...Sanford has done a horrible thing to his wife and family and friends. He seemed to know and feel this more profoundly than other politicians we've seen go through this familiar apology exercise before. That doesn't excuse him. Not that he was asking that anyone excuse him. He seemed to be trying to take all the blame, as he should. Some might think his explanations were excuses. To me they seemed like a man confessing the details of a crime.
...What Mark Sanford seemed to be trying to say is that he screwed up, in the biggest possible way, because he lost his bearings. He lost his self-control. He was indulgent. He forgot that there were other humans in the world."
-- John Dickerson, on what even TMR has to admit was a classy display of brutal honesty (something we respect) by someone who completely screwed over a lot of lives, winning him a precious few points - for what's left of his character - on Slate.com.

I don’t agree at all that the apology was classy or brutally honest.
ReplyDeleteThis mope apologized only because he was ambushed by the press when he returned from his magical mystery vagina tour of Argentina. He did not do so out of any sense of wrong doing or attack of conscience for causing anybody any pain.
Further, his wife uncovered his shit 5 months ago – inflicting a painful blow to her – and he promised to stop, only to be caught again – and agreeing to a separation, to not to contact the children, and stop contacting his portable pussy (who was also cheating on a boyfriend after getting divorced for cheating on her husband) as a condition to working on the marriage.
So what does he do? He abandons his wife and kids AGAIN, and then abandons his post as governor without the required transfer of power - and without a trace, hint or clue of where he was. Even Horn-Dog Clinton wasn’t this stupid.
If you listen carefully to his bullshit apologies, you may notice that every time he apologized he immediately followed it with a justification or pathetically, a lame attempt to garner sympathy -“I spent the last five days crying”.
Well, TMZ located the bar where the two hung out and the owner said he noticed a lot of wine drinking and climbing all over each other, but he did not notice any crying.
And so to the poor victimized governor I would say:
You can DECIDE to fuck over your wife multiple times,
You can DECIDE to fuck over your kids multiple times,
You can DECIDE to fuck over your state and its citizens,
But don’t say you’re sorry.