Damn, I wish my ex would die already, just so I can see if I'm capable of crying for her again: I think I'm all cried out,...

"Jacko’s close pal Uri Geller was 'too upset for words' last night."
Once again - sorry - but anyone who was "friends" with Uri Geller, that total fraud and con artist, is beyond the pale for me (no pun intended) no matter what a great talent they were or what great memories - and music - they left me with. RIP, Michael? Nope: just get the fuck out of here if the best you could do is be part of the con. (RIP, Ed McMahon: you and Johnny Carson did the very thing we should all be doing,...instead we have this totally debunked NewAge fraud being paraded around as normal. When, oh when, will Oprah die?)
I'm actually glad Geller is upset and I'm not - that's as it should be. Cry, bitch. Cry your fucking eyes out, as your type has made so many others cry, and I hope you join your "friend" (if any real friendship can be based on a lie) as soon as possible:
You robbed Michal Jackson's life of dignity - and his death too - merely by being around him.
I'm not kidding: As far as I'm concerned, anyone, or anything, to do with NewAge deserves to die. NewAge has killed the most important things to me - my idealism and hope for humanity, along with my sense that people were smart and decent, and every thought I had that (I shudder now to say it) life was a sweet and precious thing to wake up to - so it's only fair.
"Everyone can believe what they want to believe"? Well, payback's a motherfucker, you motherfuckers. Die, die, die. I hope I outlive you all - every last stinking one of you. For what you've done, to one foster kid's sense of this life's meaning and purpose, you'll never get sympathy here. Now get the fuck out.
Just die.

Jesus Christ Crack Emcee....what the fuck happened to you? I just finished reading all the links and it sounds like a horror movie.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading for awhile after linking through form Panda Bear, MD. He wasn't kidding about this blog being a must read. I never comment but this article was too powerful not too.
I start medical school in one month and I hope between Panda and you that I know enough to avoid the crazy. Keep you head up and keep bringing the smackdown on stupid everywhere.
ReplyDeleteLong story short:
One night I discovered my wife of 20 years was involved with several cults, behind my back, because she knew I would see through their bullshit. Then, in rapid succession, I discovered she was having an affair with a homeopathic quack and the quack had killed my mother-in-law with my wife's blessing - and they had ran away with all of our money.
Before we divorced, I told all my friends, police, doctors, lawyers - you name it - only to discover they either wouldn't accept what I was telling them ("You're too macho to handle that your wife left you" they said) or that they had internalized these ideas for themselves.
Then, as I reviewed my wife's diaries and her NewAge "literature", I noticed this thinking was practically everywhere: on TV, in movies, politics, etc.
Finally, about two years later, I get a call from the police: the fucking quack had killed two more people - with my wife working as his accomplice. I became despondent, isolated myself, and eventually moved far away from everyone, and everything, I knew as my life and loves. Nothing's been the same, for me, ever since.
Thanks for the kind words. If you go back to the beginning of the blog, and read forward, a lot of it's in there. And if you read the comments, you'll find you're quite unusual, as am I at this point. But then that part is obvious.