Monday, June 29, 2009

Worthy Of A Punch In The Nose

"In my imagined utopian future where foul language has lost its sting, people will have to be more creative if they wish to offend. David Tredinnick, the Tory MP for Bosworth, recently showed us how it's done when it emerged that he'd spent £510 of public money on astrology software and attendant tuition - a purchase so foolish it makes a duck island seem like a vital heart operation for the child of a constituent.

He claims he needed them for a debate on alternative medicine (perhaps to see whether Capricorns like him believed in homeopathy) but I think he was looking for a way, without swearing, of telling the entire country to go f**** itself. No scream of scorn could have been more eloquent. No word he used could have caused me more offence."

-- David Mitchell, standing by this blogger in thinking swearing isn't offensive - but NewAge is - on UTV News.

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