Saturday, June 13, 2009

We Got Your American Idol Right Here

So we knew it was going to happen for Pajamas TV, but this new one with Zo Rachel, "Zo Rachel Presents: Letterman, Palin and a topless Drew Barrymore" (which is Zo's really welcome return to Macho Sauce form), is now starting to round out what's been steadily becoming some very powerful conservative programming.

Try this:

Click on the link above and watch the clip. It's a three minute serving of prime conservatism, served on a really nice platter.

Then scroll down and watch both of Bill Whittle's pieces on media bias.

And, finally, there's Andrew Klavan's critique of liberalism, "Shut Up".

Not too shabby. Pajamas TV has (a little) more decent entertainment, but mostly it's still a lot of stupid talking head crap nobody should want to watch - unless, of course, you want to use boredom as a lethal weapon. If that's the case, be our guest.

But there is some good stuff going on over there, and if Pajamas TV would just stop wasting their efforts on wheel-spinning pseudocelebrity bullshit (we don't feel like going there tonight, folks: waaay too tired) Pajamas TV could really have something.

That's what we think, anyway.

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