The hopelessly lopsided partisan commitments of the journalistic elite -- try a show of hands in the WH press corps, who voted Republican? -- have always been the secret weapons of the liberal blogosphere.
How many MSM reporters (Associated Press, NY Times, CBS News, etc.) ever read Hot Air or Instapundit? And how many of them sympathize? The typical MSM reporter sympathizes with Media Matters, DKos and Crooks & Liars. The typical MSM reporter watches Olbermann every night. The typical MSM reporter thinks Letterman's jokes about Palin are ROTFLMAO funny.
Most D.C. reporters, editors and producers hate Republicans, and that hatred matters."
-- Robert Stacey McCain, making us feel like those whose job it is to inform us are actually forming us into something that seems abnormal, like The Other McCain.

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