Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No Comment (Ann Althouse's Sad Feminist Monologue)

"Quite aside from whether it should work as an argument to call someone a social con, I want to talk about this other thing that gets mistaken for social connishness."
That's Ann Althouse today - changing the subject as usual - AFTER she's had Meade turn off the comments to her blog. Now that no one but her lap dogs can answer her contradictions/hypocrisies, etc., she opens with a question (the post is titled "Do I Seem Like A Social Con?") and says she wants to "talk" about what should work as an "argument" - without actually engaging anyone

Weird - and I wonder:

Does Meade act like a husband and ever point this stuff out to her?

I knew there was something wrong with Ann, but now it looks more like a mental issue, than just an attitude problem. She obviously needs control over others or else she freaks out.

And she believes that's normal - or what makes a woman - I don't know.

Whatever she believes, she'll ruthlessly defend it, screw the merits.

She hasn't seemed sane for a while, but I was never expecting anything like this,...


  1. She obviously wants to take the SoCon position on marriage in general because, from a societal standpoint, it makes sense, but she doesn't want to be forced to back away from her "Do Your Own Thing" position on same sex marriage.

    I don't think she was ready for the amount of pushback on trying to hold both positions at once. It's seemed to me she's tried to avoid taking a definite stand on some things - maybe because of the harassment she's gotten from the Left, maybe to fit in with the faculty at UW - by saying, "Who am I to judge?". Now, because she got in a tiff with Insta, she's ended up taking a stand and doesn't want to be branded as being one of "Them".

    Rock, meet Hard Place.

  2. And now for even more irony, she's railing against sexual surrogates and pot legalization. The state can make you pay for abortions or the child if mommy wants it but we shouldn't pay for prostitutes to service the disabled or pot...

    I've just been a lurker for the past few years but its been amazing to watch the collapse from a so called professor of law. I enjoyed the back and forth in comments, I read her stuff for a "centrist liberal" view. To be so surprised at the vitriol on these issues now though... its crazy.
