Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Psychics "Over-Estimated Their Powers" Again

"A scientific study has used the internet messaging service Twitter to debunk the myth that people possesses the psychic ability to remotely see distant locations and events.

The study was conducted by New Scientist Magazine and psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire.

Prof Wiseman enlisted more than 7,000 people in his four-day experiment. Many of the participants were believers with 38% professing faith in paranormal ability and 16% claiming that they had some form of psychic gift.

Each day of the experiment, Prof Wiseman travelled to a secret location and asked participants to Tweet (the term used to describe a Twitter message) their thoughts and impressions about the location.

Participants were then directed to a website where they could view photographs of five locations and choose which one they believed Wiseman was at.

They location selected by the majority of participants on all four days was incorrect."

-- The Daily Australian

BTW: Every one of them is an Obama supporter,...

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