Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's The Little Things

This is a photo of an aborted child. Why am I showing you a photo of an aborted child? Because we never see one, do we? We're forced to talk about them all-the-time, but we never see what we're talking about. Is this that "clump of cells" I hear so much about - or a dead baby? 

Looks like a dead kid to me.

So - along with my truck conking out - I'm in about as much pain as a man can be. But I don't feel any of it, because of pain killers. They're not only masking my physical pain (and putting me somewhere between "Whee!" and wanting to vomit) but, emotionally, I'd be hard pressed to have ever been more ambivalent. Political activists, especially, will get nowhere with me right now - not that they ever have:
"Those who set themselves up to raise the public’s awareness are not just providing information; they’re also making a statement about themselves, about who they are. They, unlike those who require their support, are aware. Awareness is presented as a state of being all of us should aspire to attain. In its common usage today, the term awareness resists any clear definitions. It is not simply about knowing or understanding. So AIDS awareness, for example, is not reducible to knowledge of that disease; rather, it implies the adoption of the values of safe sex and the lifestyle associated with its values. People who are aware are likely to demonstrate this fact publicly, by wearing the right-coloured ribbon or bracelet or T-shirt and using the appropriate language. To be aware is to be on the morally superior side: not eating meat; not practising unprotected sex; not smoking; exercising regularly; riding a bicycle; recycling… these are just some of the rituals that signal that a person is aware."

Isn't there something ethically wrong with appointing yourself as morally superior? So aren't, say, Whole Foods and NPR actually citadels to evil? They certainly seem like it. That's why they both spend so much time and effort, smoothing over the edges, trying to make the ugly attractive:
"Recycling does sometimes makes sense -- for some materials in some places at some times. But the simplest and cheapest option is usually to bury garbage in an environmentally safe landfill. And since there's no shortage of landfill space,...there's no reason to make recycling a legal or moral imperative. Mandatory recycling programs aren't good for posterity. They offer mainly short-term benefits to a few groups -- politicians, public relations consultants, environmental organizations, waste-handling corporations -- while diverting money from genuine social and environmental problems. Recycling may be the most wasteful activity in modern America: a waste of time and money, a waste of human and natural resources."

I like the idea of the self-appointed morally superior NewAge hippies, working in cahoots with the politicians they claim to loathe, only to screw the rest of us.

To an artist, that symmetry is practically a pain killer all by itself,...


  1. Well, Whole Foods may or may not be a citadel of evil, but it certainly is a monument to our desire to be lied to (I used to work in industrial agriculture -- no, it isn't pretty and on many levels it isn't even right...but most of this organic stuff is just hype; the milk at Whole Foods doesn't come from happy cows grazing freely -- it's as factory as the stuff down at the SaveaLot; that's just the marketing schtick that people buy into in order to pay more for that damn milk).
    And since NPR hawks that lifestyle, then if not a citadel of evil themselves, they are the carnival barkers in front of those freak shows which are our monuments to stupidity (aka. places like Whole Foods

    And that's probably why Camille Paglia does more to cut to the chase on the abortion issue than many of these prolife folks -- because I've heard her come right down to the nitty of the gritty about it all (it's killing a kid and let's be honest about it) -- even though she doesn't have a problem with it.
    At least she used to be that honest and up front -- I hope she hasn't wavered in this, because more people need to just first confront the truth of it all and quit squirming.


  2. ...and since I'm on a roll: and both folks from the left and folks from the right are obsessed with Whole Foods (and squirming around the down hard truth of things -- like abortion)

    They also don't give two shits about freedom -- take a look at what they both want to do with the "welfare state", or rather, what they want to do with people in that state (and I chose my language here carefully in this blather). They want. to. do -- not encourage/let/allow people to try and work this thing out, but a freaking mandate from on high for the little people (who, I have much suspicions, they don't really see as people all that much anyway). On top of it they have the nerve to call their proposed mandates "freedom" and "liberty" and all that apple pie pandering bs -- and then they call people all kinds of names if they don't sign up for this electric kool aide joyride to hell, they don't appreciate their betters "working things out" for them (because experience has taught many that it doesn't work out, at least not for them). And the truth of the matter is that is no way to achieve any of those things, and the people who don't buy into it from either side maybe aren't the real problem; I'd love to be able to talk to Milton Friedman about this -- maybe the response would surprise some (then again, maybe not).
    And that goes for Dr. Helen and Ann Althouse too. LOL!


  3. If you're depressed, over me, my work here is done,...
