Friday, November 30, 2012

It's About As Close To "Game Over" As It's Ever Been,...

Fuck - I just realized I may have to change the motto of the blog now:
The notion that Republicans have leverage is silly. It’s the same kind of happy thinking that led some to boldly predict a Romney victory.

I left the Democrats, partially because of delusional thinking, and now - because the Republicans had to have Mitt and the Mormons - I'm stuck with a party suffering from the same thing. Damn.

And - just like the Democrats - since they can't come to terms with it, they can't admit it, so there will be no fixing it.

No, they're too arrogant to say they fucked up - and can't stand the idea of how they fucked up - so they're now insisting on telling me how they're going to win my vote back.
Good luck with that,....

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of being an independent; come on in, the water's fine!

    Although at this point, I'm not sure even being politically non-affiliated is enough.

