Yes, I understand everything Bill's saying, and am glad he made the effort - but he hasn't changed my mind even one little bit.
You know how people say, "I Didn't Leave the Democrats. They Left Me," or the same for the Republicans? That's kind of how I feel about the country I've loved, which Bill obviously still does. But - even worse - in my case, I'm starting to doubt if I've ever even had a country. Hell, I'm not even sure if this is my planet anymore.
Though it's not a major burning issue for me, I'm still black, and have scraped myself together from liberal California, only to discover the nation is just as insane as the ghetto I grew up in - so which came first, the chicken or the egg?
And - while I know why American ghettos are the way they are - what's everybody else's excuse? You're educated. You don't have a historical past of slavery, racial segregation, or whatever, to point to and say "this played a role in why my life is not totally my own." No, you have had - and made - choices. And done so under a blanket of freedom many - if not most - black people envy.
So what explains your superstitions? Your love of NewAge? Your kow-towing to feminism, or the freedom of cults? And why should I join you in endorsing any of it? Which - when it comes to Romney and that last item on my list - is all my vote will do?
I have seen Bill Whittle address my issues (slightly) but - like so many others - then he drops it, and joins the parade, which is fun to watch, even for me, but not enough to change my focus when I can't escape the main problems, even for a day.
I have lost everything to this. My wife, my career, and - yes - even much of my love for my fellow man. Save the country? "Save the planet"? What help have those claiming I should do so been, when it comes to my issues - which they allow, endorse, and defend?
I've been taunted, teased, ridiculed, and threatened, for not going along. And I still refuse. It is the rest of you who dug this hole, not me. I have fought against it, had nothing to do with it, and will no longer participate as though I had.
I'm not voting.
ObamaCare AND a cult president are, both, non-starters for me - but the rest of you chose them and did so openly. I watched you do it, repeatedly, in defiance of my pleas, screams, and appeals to reason. Many of you enjoyed it and enjoy it still. As the immensely popular Ann Althouse famously said, it's "ugly" to see me want to be right all the time. Fine - I hear that - so, for once, I'll do wrong:
Save your own damned selves,…

I don't agree, but I respect your convictions. There is such a thing as a lesser of two evils, but then, there is also such a thing as a choice between evils which is not a choice at all, and that is a call for the free thinking individual to make. You see through Obama, and that is enough. I won't yoke you to my plow.
ReplyDeleteI wrote in Rocky Anderson. We need a line for "None of the above."
ReplyDeleteMy last remnant of hope is that the Democrats will rouse themselves against Romney when it comes to Social Security cuts, now that they don't have to support O anymore.
I spent all day Monday and today with my child -- who had to be airlifted to the closest local hospital and put in intensive care.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, go down to vote to two parties that have lied through their teeth to me -- whose toadies they sic'd on me...or stay with my kid?
Was there even a choice?
I'm just a simple damn hillbilly -- not one of the great patriotic ones -- hope y'all had fun and a free donut at the poling stations today.
Is your child O.K.?
ReplyDeleteguardedly ok -- she was in really bad shape, but she's home now and they found out this evening what caused it; still has a ways to go but hell of a lot better than she was
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking about her.