Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Jah Wobble

So, I'm sufficiently doped up enough to think again, I think. The problem's basically the same, though: 

My entire left arm feels like it's either "asleep" (with that prickly/tingly feeling) or has a sharp pain running through it, and - if I try to relieve that by repositioning my neck - it sets off the injury in my lower back, sending sharp pains through my buttocks, and down my left leg, to my knee.

So, I'm listening to a lot of This American Life (which my friend/caretaker can't stand because Ira Glass sounds like such a wuss) long mixes by my friends and all the DVDs they bring me. 

Anything to help pass long periods of time, in a drug-induced stupor, without moving.

In my current condition, I don't really know how much I can add to the passing scene, but here's some InstaCrackhead calls, as I see them:

As soon as Trayvon Martin went from this, above, to this:

There was lots of reasonable doubt. 

Actually, the way the media ginned the story up, from the very beginning, put it there - and I first heard about it from NPR.

I don't know what it's going to take to make the media stop trying to play us like that. It's the same reason I don't always like DRUDGE. Wrong or right, it's all about hype, as though the country doesn't matter. The lesson (considering who profits from it and how) is that it doesn't.

It's only business, as Oprah once said.

Speaking of Oprah, the cow thought I ought to mention something about a study claiming there are six types of atheist. My take: 

 All apologies to JC, but there's waaay more than that, now.

And, speaking of atheism, is this a good time to point out George Zimmerman's prosecutor 'Prayed' for Him to Testify?

Naw, probably too soon,...

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