It's no secret by now that I consider Ann Althouse and Glenn Reynolds a couple of moral midgets, partially because they don't fess up when they mess up, and partially because they pretend it isn't still seen:
Slowly, slowly, Althouse, you are beginning to understand that the feminist indoctrination was just evil and wrong.
And, at the same time, you're making the same mistake by falling prey to the gay indoctrination.
You just don't seem able to make the connection. Yes, you can twist your intellect into knots for the purpose of providing yourself with novel ideas about "equality."
You're making the same damned mistake again that you made in your youth. Is there any way that you can swallow your pride? Your desire for intellectual novelty is not necessarily sane or decent.
Bingo. I don't know what it is about women who insist we all try to look and sound happy, and smile a lot, but they don't realize that makes their sinister behavior appear even more so. If you ask me, an entire society pushing that outlook on someone is almost begging for a mass shooting - just to wipe those smiles off their faces. Action/Reaction.
And the idea of ignoring what nice (but not so nice) women do, when it was done/said publicly, well that's just disrespectful. Action/Reaction. A smile won't cover that up either.
I have learned about the true nature of evil from some of the nicest people in the world - women. Evil that transcends anything I've experienced in the ghetto - including murder - because the rationalizations those bad guys gave were pretty straight-forward ("I shot him 'cause he stepped on my shoe") and didn't suggest those listening to them are crazy (adding insult to injury) like NewAgers will, if we don't believe as they do. It's just a whole other level.
It's no wonder the few that are made to punish for their deeds do so only after a day in court, where their bullshit can be parsed and found bogus in detail. Cultism, the herd mentality, love-bombing, delusions, silly beliefs - most people simply can't keep up with it all.
And - in the world these "nice" women have made - that's the only thing left we can trust,...

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