The Following is another new cult-themed entertainment - a media phenomena still not mentioned by these other self-styled informers of the blogosphere. Probably because it puts me within Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon. (That's got to be it!) They ARE talking about something else, though:
Ahhh - so we're now in the age of The Gay Gestapo, with gay groupies appointing themselves as our self-styled "Miss Manners," to monitor our words, interrupt and guide our conversations, and telling us how to make them feel more comfortable. Wonderful. Röhm would be so proud.
Remember, during the Bush years, when "watch what you say" had liberals going ballistic?
Speaking of hypocrites (and people who think we have really, really short memories) isn't it nice to be lectured on language by Wanda Sykes, the woman best known for saying this:
I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight,...I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a waterboarding, that’s what he needs.”
They're so confused, I have no idea what these idiots want - wait, I got it:
Apparently, the entire world should be Six Degrees from this guy,...

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