Thursday, April 11, 2013

Putting Everyone To Shame (And I Include Myself In It,...)

Ha! Now here's something you don't see everyday:
Members of the Times Union editorial staff were honored Wednesday in a half-dozen categories by the New York News Publishers Association. The awards were presented at NYNPA's annual banquet in the following categories: 
Investigative reporting as well as multimedia presentation: James M. Odato and Jennifer Gish, for a more-than-yearlong examination of Keith Raniere, the Capital Region-based self-improvement guru and conceptual founder of NXIVM.
Journalist's win awards all the time - but for investigating a cultist? How many even really do that? Haven't people like Ann Althouse (and her "husband") and Glenn Reynolds and all the rest of these elitist smarty pants lawyer/professor bloggers (and others of their ilk) I've interacted with, online, told me - in both word and deed - this subject ain't got legs? Even though, since I started investigating it myself, it's now swarming movies, books, television, and music? [Click the tags.] I love this, too: 

While the Times Union editorial staff are winning awards - specifically for covering cultism seriously - newspapers are claiming they're losing readers because of the internet. 

 Bullshit. They're losing readers like me because not only are they not covering much that's relevant to my life - like the effect of growing up with cultism swirling around me - but because they can't admit they, too, drank the same Kool-Aid these cultists subsist on. Contact them in Oprah's yoga class and - once they've turned down The Beatles singing "Within You and Without You" - tell 'em I said it. 

Congratulations to the Times Union editorial staff - TMR salutes you: 

 And "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart,....


  1. I only know of a few groups examining cultism or non-rational beliefs/behavior, so good for them!

    However, it's probably truer than not that: "You can't reason someone out of a position he didn't use reason to get into in the first place."

    Religion being the most obvious example.

  2. Which is why I don't always use reason,...
