So I think I've got a hernia - a bad one, pushing against my heart and lungs - based on the reading I've been doing of the symptoms.
Hiatal hernia has often been called the "great mimic" because its symptoms can resemble many disorders. For example, a person with this problem can experience dull pains in the chest, shortness of breath (caused by the hernia's effect on the diaphragm), heart palpitations (due to irritation of the vagus nerve), and swallowed food "balling up" and causing discomfort in lower esophagus until it passes on to stomach.
Considering everything that's happened recently - dealing with my roommate's fall and resulting mental problems, putting him in a care facility and then taking over his place, followed by going to California to retrieve (and then rebuilding) my recording studio, and now frantically trying to compose something commercially brilliant - it makes sense:
Something had to give, eventually, and my success has never come without a price - plus tax.
Of course I've got no insurance, and the damned thing is keeping me from even sitting for any extended period, so what work I can do right now is severely limited. I can barely sleep at night.
Anyway, on the "good" side, a hernia means I didn't have a heart attack nor have cancer.
On the bad side, I've got to get this sucker treated - fast.
Not a good situation when alienation is your stock in trade.
I should see if something's in the homeopathy aisle of Whole Foods that'll help,...

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