Oh, another day, another reason to find Ann Althouse disgusting:
Today our online authority on all things feminism is calling a guy "ballsless" because he jumped out of the way of a fly ball, at a baseball game, and it hit a woman in the face.
What a situationally ethical fucking hypocrite. As one of her readers said:
"But if the woman dodged out of the way and the ball hit the boyfriend then that would be... okay got me."
Here- let me - in Ann's terminology, that woman would be "cuntless."
Notice Ann doesn't expect the woman to catch the ball (though, I'm sure, she's "strong and intelligent") but thinks the man - who, in this case, could be the poster boy for feminism's modern male - should actually protect this delicate flower, who's otherwise supposed to be equal enough to fend for herself. (It just occured to me that Ann - in her fight for gay marriage - doesn't even allow those "men" to defend themselves, either, but is constantly jumping into the fray because they, too, obviously can't handle themselves without Ann's stupid daily contribution,...)
This is one reason why I diss her - there's no through-line, no consistency of thought, nothing - except weak pot shots on anyone comfortable with testosterone running through them. Ultimately, except to see how a white woman uses the canard of feminism to exploit the system, there's really no other reason to read Althouse. Here's a reader who got it, and uses Ann's words over the last two days to nail her:
But hopping out of the way and then it hits your girlfriend in the face? Ballsless.
posted by Ann Althouse at 9:07 AM on Apr 4, 2013
It's sexist to assume the female is the victim. Is that what you are doing here? Is that what you assume the public will do? ... Enjoy the quagmire of your incoherent, inconsistent lefty bullshit.
Althouse 4/3/13, 12:04 PM
And that explains Ann's feminism - and her so-called "success" - right there:
It's all about whipping arrows out of her gay son-producing cunt, to throw them at anything and everything that doesn't have, or want one.
I put success in quotes because one of the things that pisses me off about dealing with either her or Glenn Reynolds is that (I'm finally saying it) I know I'm better than they are:
I can do everything they've accomplished, but neither of them can match mine, meager as they are.
So I grew up in the ghetto, without parents, and couldn't afford to finish college. Big deal.
Reynolds even had a record label, only to flop at music, so there's part of my proof right there.
All Althouse and Reynolds had to do, like a lot of college grads, is memorization, because - it's pretty obvious - independent thought (a big part of success in music) is NOT part of who they are. Otherwise, she'd be a woman and not reading the script of a harpy fucking feminist - for decades - and Reynolds would know how to man up. He can't man up. Dr. Helen man's up:
Reynolds - like Althouse - just over-compensates, if you know what I mean,...

Well technically if the guy gets out of the way of the ball, he does not have the ball (hence ball-less).
ReplyDeleteIf the guy leaped out of the way and it his is wife or girlfriend, they his wife or girlfriend might have an issue with him (granted it would be a subjective one, but as anyone who has been in a relationship can tell you: "so what.").
But I guess I do not get why some stranger has an obligation to catch that fly ball to potentially protect some person behind him (that he probably did not even know was there). Regardless of gender.
I need to proof read these posts. It should read "and [the ball] hit his wife or girlfriend..."
ReplyDeleteOkay, I need not to comment before looking at the actual video and the Althouse link.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your general comments, but that guy did run from that fly in a manner that did not make me think "Macho."
I think it has more to do with Mz. Althouse's response to this vs. her regular scthick about gay men and "free, independent, strong" women (or the "you can have it ALL baby" faction as I like to call them).
ReplyDeleteIt is a bit hypocritical. Actually it's really hypocritical, bitchy, and two faced (and is one of the reasons men hate women now -- and why some women can't stand women anymore...and are pretty disgusted with a lot of men -- sorry, where I'm from being a woman does not necessarily give you complete immunity and protection from life's realities...bull doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, he'll gore you to death just the same; mule don't care, he'll kick ya'; blizzard and flood don't care whose in that car that gets stranded or that help isn't going to come in time).
And yeah, gender doesn't matter here -- he should've tried to catch the ball rather than see some other person (doesn't matter who it was) get blasted in the face, but that would have been operative if it had been the girl in his shoes there...it's not right to let somebody get blasted with a baseball (and who doesn't want to catch a homer? if one of those comes out there, you're grabbin' that! come on!).
Anonymous got it:
ReplyDeleteIt's Ann's nonsense that makes this galling.
Anonymous was me.
Hey, can't let whenever I do get something right go unheralded!
I agree with PW/Anonymous and you too Crack. I always took the position if you go for every fly that comes close in a baseball game and you leave in shame if you drop it.
ReplyDeleteI did think he looked pussy-ish in the way he ran from the ball.
Now we know Meade would never let a ball hit Ann in the face. We also know Ann would let Meade take one for their MeadeHouse team.
I disagree with you, Crack.
ReplyDeleteWant to know who had the true macho response?
Serious. He didn't bitch and moan about the shit he had to deal with. He didn't obsess over other people's sins and failings.
Yeah, I know - it's a cult. It's not scientific.
But you don't have to join the cult just to let Jesus into your heart, Troy. You can be free from the bondage and heal from the brokenness. You can be full of joy. Be free from whatever mama and daddy did to ya. Be free from whatever it was you went through behind closed doors.
Take your time, Troy. He'll be there for you when there is no one else... whenever you're ready to man up to your demons and accept real courage, freedom, and love.
In other words - when you're ready for the true macho response.