I love finding this link on the Instapundit:
ANOTHER BROKEN PROMISE OF THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY: Editorial: America needs racial healing.
Yeah, it's just Obama's broken promise - Reynolds, of course, is squeaky clean on this race thing. Hey, Glenn, I've got an idea:
Maybe you can start the (NewAge jargon alert) "healing" by posting black bloggers.
Oh wait, you did:
How'd that work out, asshole?
Oh I forgot the rules - the slave must co-sign the master - even today. Long story-short:
Somehow, considering how little truth this black person can find in Glenn's online election-losing Whitey World, I don't think race is really the problem anymore,...

Racial healing...honestly.
ReplyDeleteHere's what I think: there is no way people like Glenn Reynolds, Ann Althouse, Oprah, or the rest would really want true "racial healing" whatever that is.
Because on that day the truth would really come out: it isn't a case of Black folks and White folks (of the average persuasion) that have the real problems...it's these people who don't "get" average folks.
I don't completely "get" everything about Black folks -- that's ok, I'm not Black, so I'm not going to. I can "get" NASCAR and muddin' because I was raised in a hillbilly place (I may not agree with all of it; I may find some of it stupid, but I can understand it -- and hell, the call of a nice hooptie or pair of huntin' boots does call to me). I don't expect Black people to "get" me completely either -- and that's ok. Everybody's got their own little thing going on.
But, I can understand the frustration of hearing endless jabbering about this shit and the empty "we must reach out to blah, blah, blah". Bullshit; they don't care. Most people don't care about fiscal plans and yadda yadda because it doesn't speak to them -- what "financial plans"? They don't have any finances...they don't have jobs, or they don't have the wages they did, and now it's a choice between welfare and putting food on the table. And the wife/husband is threatening to walk out because of some crazy fool ass notion about being romantically fulfilled in marriage and following their life path and also because they aren't getting nice gifties for Christmas anymore, the kids are making humpty booty videos and posting them on the internet, the neighbor's taken to selling meth because it beats working for minimum wage at a job that demands you embrace their "lifestyle", and gas got so expensive you just had to hock some of your stuff to pay the electric bill, which means you may also have to try and find a second or third job, which means absolutely no days off to even mow the yard.
Meanwhile Glenn and Ann and Oprah are going on and on about their workshops and artsy fartsy cafes, their ashrams and their bikrams and their recipes from Whole Foods, and whose catering the "weddings" of their wonderful gay friends -- which most average folks really, really don't "get", and which all of the average folks, Black and White, are told is the American dream (which to them seems a waste of a dream, when one could have -- well, the things they like instead).
Which means...I guess I might "get" Black folks better than Glenn, Ann, and the rest, probably more than I do them. So they have to bring up "racial healing" and "gender issues" all the time -- because we can't be thinking about "getting" the little people...or have them start thinking themselves.
Maybe that's the case, I don't know.
Oh, and to say nothing of the fact that I am tired of these mofos waving the flag (notice they don't do much of that anymore), when there is no way in hell their precious little selves are going to serve, nor will their precious little kids and grandkids.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile my kids and most of my family's kids, and most of my friends' kids are now taking our place going through the suck, while these bozos sit around and talk about ways to better socially engineer and fiscally manage the military.
To which I want to say: shut the hell up! and do not wave that false patriotism in front of me ever again!
Get your freaking real live hide in the game or sit down and shut up.
I think most everyday folks can "get" that too.