We've been misled in so many ways - like when Boomers promoted "All You Need Is Love":
Baby boomers, who drove the huge increase in divorce that began during the 1970s and persisted through the early 1980s, are at it again. Just as they have transformed other arenas of U.S. social life, boomers are now reshaping the contours of divorce.
Funny how, after all these years, they never cleared up that disconnect between word and deed - and will attack anyone who tries. I just found this line in a story on a play called "Divorce Party":
“Gay Guys Are a Girl’s Best Friend.”
Imagine that:
Two groups, known for dropping their drawers as a means of career advancement, are united.
Who knew?
Like I said - I was totally misled:
They always told me, if I let them blow me, we were sure to be BFFs,...

Shit, they don't know what love is. Other than self-love, aka. narcissism.
ReplyDeleteTrue story: my husband is German. In my husband's family you have some really old fashioned people and some of the wackiest hippies I have ever met (and I have relatives from Cali, so I know of what I speak -- and these idiots moved to Sedona, so 'nuff said).
One of his cousins and her husband are really off the charts -- health food, naturalism...yoga, you name it. She had a kid -- breastfed him until he was 6.years. old. Can you imagine? Six years old and Mommy's coming to school to breastfeed you because Mommy says it's "natural and health giving". The normal side of the family thought she was nuts (and you can imagine the reaction in my family, who thought that maybe I'd married into a family of crazy people, which I was beginning to wonder myself).
Two years later this bitch gives her kid over to foster services, completely gives him up (at age 8!), because "kid rearing wasn't as self fulfilling as I thought it would be and I need to explore my personal path without children at this time". Crazy evil, right?
My FIL was a good man -- tried to work with child services out there to find the boy, begged them to let him adopt the child or a family member out here do so (this while he's working full time and has a wife that's dying), no member of my husband's family here was allowed to, nor any info as to what happened to him or where he was or anything -- something about the protocol or some shit.
They showed up at their family's big reunion out here -- the sane part of the family blew up.
My immediate family was there, and since we're Italian/Irish/Creole-metis maybe we're wired differently: my mom and dad were inquiring as to whether or not they wanted something done with crazy hippie cousin and her husband, because in their eyes something needed to be done! (hell, even my nutty Cali relatives, the ones who pop what my mom calls "duck weed pills" were on board, so 'nuff said there too). My mom kinda dropped the hint that popping duck weed pills was just one step away from abandoning your kids, which didn't go over well. It was an "interesting" family reunion (I don't go to reunions now -- fewer crazy people).
And that was my most lasting experience with New Agers -- and they seem to be everywhere now, and I hate them.
Who the hell does shit like that? (yeah, that's a rhetorical question, I know the answer already, and we're all fucked because of it)