We're NEVER going to get out of this NewAge Hell hole, as long as journalists keep throwing silly beliefs into stories:
“For James 'Whitey' Bulger, a Lifetime of Bad Karma Comes Back Around”
So THAT'S what they go to journalism school for - learning how to reveal NewAge propaganda:
“Karma serves to explain why good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. The injustices of the world, the seeming random distribution of good and evil, are only apparent. In reality, everybody is getting what he or she deserves. Even the child brutalized by drugged adults deserves the horror. The mentally ill, the retarded, the homosexuals, and the millions of Jews killed by the Nazis deserved it for evil they must have done in the past. The slave beaten to within a breath of death deserved it, if not for what he did today, then for what he did in some previous lifetime. Likewise for the rape victim. She is just getting what she deserves. All suffering is deserved, according to the law of karma.
Despite the fact that there could be no evidence for a metaphysical belief in karma, the idea of karma is popular among many in western cultures where it has become detached from its Hindu roots. The theosophists, for example, believe in karma and reincarnation. So does James Van Praagh, who claims to be a psychic conduit for all the billions of people who have died over the centuries.”
So, the printing of this psychologically harmfully nonsense for me to read, is my fault? Thanks. BTW - the NewAge loons who printed the Whitey Bulger/Bad Karma exclusive?
The Atlantic Magazine:
Another strong Glenn Reynolds favorite - next to Twitter,...

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