"What has occurred -- irreversibly -- is this: He's become ordinary. The spell is broken. The charismatic conjurer of 2008 has shed his magic. He's regressed to the mean, tellingly expressed in poll numbers hovering at 50 percent.-- Charles Krauthammer, stating once again (as I have a billion times from the very beginning) Barack Obama has led a political cult - whether most everyone else is too embarrassed to admit they were part of it or not - and now it looks like it's finally falling apart, to The Washington Post.
For a man who only recently bred a cult, ordinariness is a great burden, and for his acolytes, a crushing disappointment. Obama has become a politician like others."
Funny, but no one doubts him when he says it. Nobody even questions it. But I catch hell. I think I've gotta start running with a better class of people,...
It's all becoming so pathetic now. Scratch that - this has been pathetic from the start. A political cult, rising to power in America. I could never imagine such a thing. With an electorate this stupid, we can kiss goodbye the idea "it could never happen here" forever. I've seen it. It's happened already. With everyone's blessing. Because the guy was black.
Hitler would be shocked - and yet, perversely, oh, so proud.

It Can't Happen Here is a semi-satirical political novel by Sinclair Lewis published in 1935. It features newspaperman Doremus Jessup struggling against the fascist regime of President Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip.
ReplyDeleteBerzelius "Buzz" Windrip, a charismatic and power-hungry politician, is elected President of the United States on a populist platform, promising to restore the country to prosperity and greatness, and, more importantly, promising each citizen five thousand dollars a year.
Once in power, however, he becomes a dictator; outlawing dissent, putting his political enemies in concentration camps, and creating a paramilitary force called the Minute Men who terrorize the citizens.
One of his first moves as president is to make changes to the Constitution which give the President sole power over the country, rendering congress obsolete. This is met by protest from the congressmen as well as outraged citizens, but Windrip declares a state of Martial Law and, with the help of his Minute Men, throws the protesters in jail.
As Windrip dismantles democracy, most Americans either support him and his Corpo Regime wholeheartedly or reassure themselves that fascism cannot happen in America (hence the book's title).