Since I felt forced into that little series on blackness, I'm trying to figure out how to elegantly get out of it (homeopathy!) but post-Trayvon, the stream of stories keep it hittin' - here's where I sit on 'em:
I don't give a fuck about Paula Deen or Riley Cooper because I live in America, and know how we talk, and don't think Americans should be punished for it. You want to reprimand an employee at work, fine. But firing somebody? Fuck you.
This shit ain't that bad, if it's bad at all.
Everybody knows I don't like Oprah, but right now conservatives are wrongly "playing gotcha" with her because she said millions of blacks were lynched when, by the strict definition of the term, there were merely thousands. I guess it's somewhat to their credit that - even after watching her fall for every NewAge character and concoction ever invented - no one considered the possibility Oprah's uneducated. One of those blacks, like Obama, who's allowed to slide by for whatever quality white's appreciate seeing in them. That's what I see.
I see a whole lot more, too, but I'm typing with one finger, so fuck it.
I see The Root says Spike Lee compared Tyler Perry's work to Amos n Andy.
In light of that, I don't think The Root, Spike Lee, or Tyler Perry are worthy of two sentences.
I think a "Dummies" version of the Trayvon Martin trial should be produced, and replayed everywhere, until the Black Muslims are begging George Zimmerman to come home.
Charlie Rangel is a liar, a crook, a troublemaker, and a fool.
And he's not alone.
And finally, all Don Lemon said is what anybody's grandmother would say. So he's gay, big deal.
Calling him a "Professional Assassin” seems a bit much,...

I would prefer it if Oprah were called out for her craziness instead, yes, and how she is influencing women to be just as crazy -- it would be more productive than this.
ReplyDeleteBut those oxen, goring, so people will stick with this or so it seems.