Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's In The Veins: Putting On A Show (Entertainment,...)


 I'm sorry, this is great, but it's also a tone poem, that mostly reminds this guy - who's had multiple broken bones - how fucking easy women have it in life. There's few of them that were compelled to jump off shit. Feats of strength that can kill you. And then the way guys size each other up - especially in America - you know what's coming. Oil and water, baby. All your life. Fire arms (which is actually a pretty cool term, if you think about it - fire arms) and just, violence. I'm not complaining. I'm a guy. This video's like a documentary to me, and I love it. But, damn, women have it easy.


 They say the running of the bulls is coming to America. I don't care. Anybody can run with the damn bulls. Up the ante, America. You wanna prove you're a man? Run against the rams, bitches. You heard me - against them. The rams. We'll see what kind of fucking man you are.


Putting this up - after talking about idiots running with bulls - there's something wrong with that. 

I'm doing it anyway,...

1 comment:

  1. As a person who has had to take care of sheep, heh, yeah, those little bastards will kill you (or at least ruin your day).

    But let's be more American: run against the bison! (dealt with those too, not to be taken lightly; can ruin your day -- had to help a guy get his in a corral, basically the best way to do it is to get them chasing your horse and run them in...and hope you make it out the gate on the other side fast enough)

    Dig the song; gave me a chuckle, reminds me of my cousins (who except for 4 of us were male...two most dangerous sentences in the world? "watch this!" and "let's try that again" spoken by a boy, in whatever language but America may be the last first world country where it gets heard on a daily basis).

