This tearful soul is Julia Merfeld. She's the woman we met a little while back, attempting to have an undercover cop kill her husband. She's, since, gone to trial.
Surprisingly, Jake Merfeld asked the judge to give his wife a lighter sentence, saying their children needed a mother and, “I whole-hardheartedly forgive my wife for all she has done in this act of hatred. I know that my wife is a wonderful person.” Good for him.
The judge then gave his "wonderful” wife a minimum of five years eight months, and a maximum of 20 years, in prison. Good for the prison system:
She's brightening up the day room, I'm sure, wherever she is,...

Oh, man! He wants a vicious wannabe killer to raise his kids? He is obviously not fit for custody, IMO.
ReplyDeleteBased on ten years counseling divorced men, let me make a prediction. She will do her time, probably a minimum time. When she gets out, he will welcome her back as a victim of the prison sentence.
Six months later, she files for divorce and gets custody of the kids. And, he gets to pay child support but not see those kids.
You heard it here first!
Anonymous age 71