Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
The "Arrogant Approach" Finally Gets An Answer

Thomas Sam, a 42-year old college lecturer in homeopathy, and his wife Manju, 37, of Sydney, were convicted in June of the manslaughter of their nine-month-old daughter Gloria, who died of septicemia and malnutrition in May 2002.
The Indian-born, university-educated parents had faced a maximum penalty of 25 years each in prison if convicted. Instead, New South Wales state Supreme Court Justice Peter Johnson ordered Thomas Sam to serve at least six years in jail, with a maximum sentence of eight years, and Manju to serve at least four years in jail with a maximum of five years and four months. The couple wept as they were sentenced.
Johnson said it was clear homeopathy wasn't sufficient for dealing with Gloria's severe eczema, and said there was a 'wide chasm' between her parents' approach and the action a reasonable parent would have taken.
Thomas Sam's 'arrogant approach' to his preference for homeopathy and Manju Sam's deference to her husband led to their daughter's death, he said."
Homeopathy can't cure a simple skin disorder, but idiots are using it as a treatment for cancer and malaria? Throw the whole lot of them in prison - for stupidity. I say we post a series of wardens in front of all the Whole Foods locations and just lock the doors behind them. That's my idea anyway. That's the kind of "humble" guy I am.
Shit, leave it to me and I'd have this whole cult problem wrapped up in no time,...

Two Dummies - Female Type - One With A Ph.D
We're doomed. Doomed, I tell you, doomed! No republic can stand with a citizenry that's this stoopid. It's impossible. That's it: For now on, all TMR posts are going to be written from a secure location. That's right - I'm getting me a flashlight and crawling under the bed. Waaay under. And not because I'm scared:
I'm embarrassed!

Well Said (You've Got To "Believe", Right?)

"We put little stigma on bad choices, bad judgment, bad luck or bad behaviour. We are tolerant."-- Libby Purves, commenting on the post-Baby Boom world of divorce, AKA the ultimate underhanded means for female advancement - "nobody need admit or prove fault" - and one of our most salient symbols of The Times.
She adds:
"I suppose the trend had to grow after 1969 and 'no-fault' divorce: many a bitter chap will inform you that it is now possible for a strange man to annex your wife, children, house and half your money even if you never put a foot wrong."Oh, What A Wonderful World.

So, There's Another One,... (A Serious Man)
Look out, cruel world, but it appears the Cohen Brothers have turned their sights on God, again, which never turns out well - for God or, more to the point, those that believe in the concept (The travails of "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", "Fargo", and the ending to "No Country For Old Men", should tell you all you need to know. They've been at this since "Blood Simple", their very first film). So start saving your popcorn money, now, because we're headed back to the movie theatre soon. As you may or may not know, the requirements for these two artist's modus operandi to be effective is the same for believers and atheists alike:
Being willing to take your seat in a really dark place is the main prerequisite for seeing the light.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Lesson Learned: No Matter What They Believe, It Takes Quite A Lot To Get Cultists To Reconsider

"He is a liar, a con artist, a physical abuser of women and children, a psychological and emotional abuser of human beings, a thief, a dope pusher, a kidnaper, a child stealer, a pimp, a rapist and a child molester. I can attest to all of these things with my own eyes. And he was all of these things before he was a murderer."-- Susan Atkins, Charles Manson's once-bloodthirsty, and wild-eyed, killer - who just died in prison - finally determining Mr. Race War probably wasn't such a fun guy, or very wise, on her website (yes, she had a website - and even gave birth to Manson's kid) according to CNN.

Charles Manson,
child abuse,
con man,
Susan Atkins
Friday, September 25, 2009
It's Like That Song That Goes, "If I Was a Boy,..." (Kinda, But Not Quite: That's One Stupid Song)

-- Arthur Chrenkoff, noticing one of the biggest differences between NewAge liberal, and those notoriously-Christian conservative, crazies - the liberals are "contemptible and dangerous" - which the mainstream media misses (and dismisses) every day, since they're card-carrying members, and not a part of Pajamas Media.

Wicca 101: Stay Stupid

More interestingly for the skeptics, almost everyone could feel when a person passed their hands rather far over the top of their head. These exercises demonstrated better than any book could that we are enmeshed in fields of energy that come from everyone and every thing."
-- Gus diZerega, a Wiccan who don't need no stinking "books" - he thinks "some things just need to be said" - which doesn't even make sense after he's said it, on A Pagan's Blog.

Sending Out All The Right Signals

-- April Winchell, who, I'm convinced, is flirting with me - her tags are "Assholes", "Bad Behavior", "Celebutards", and "STFU" - by sending sweet nothings to Suzanne Somers, on April
Hat Tip: Demented Tidbits

A Spiritual Being Going Through A Physical Experience In The Most Spiritual Place On Earth

Villagers say bouncers are barring them from their temple at a Hindu retreat where Eat, Pray, Love is being shot.
One disappointed worshipper said: 'It's the holiest time of the year and we must not be stopped from visiting our own temple.'
But a cop said: 'Nobody can breach the cover. We have strict instructions.'
Julia, 41, has also been given a bulletproof car to travel in with her three kids.
She is staying in Pataudi, an hour from Delhi."
-- The Sun

Another Situation Where Prayer Ain't Helpful

-- Steve Jones, reviewing a new Richard Dawkins book - "The Greatest Show on Earth: the Evidence for Evolution" - and making it seem hopeless that the modern world will ever become,...well, "modern", but will leave humanity stuck in the age of The Telegraph.

Tear NewAge Apart - And It Just Comes Apart

-- Eric Ormsby, reviewing a book about the Shia/Sunni split in Islam - "After the Prophet," by veteran Middle East journalist Lesley Hazleton - and busting the author for assuming typical NewAge biases (along with those never-present supernatural abilities) in The Wall Street Journal.

Just Say "NewAge" And Get It Over With

-- Ron Walker, translating from the German - so I don't have to - for a piece appropriately called "False Friends" on Quantara.

One Place Where "Break On Through To The Other Side" Might End Up Being Good Advice

-- The Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH), a state-run research wing in India, giving it's never-changing recommendation ("Arsenicum album 30") for how to approach an illness - in this case, the influenza A (H1N1) virus, AKA "the pig flu" - though it's running rampant throughout the homeopathy-crazed countryside, according to

Carry On My Wayward Son

It is nearly impossible to get someone to abandon a belief in alternative medicine, no matter how strong the evidence against it. Study after study has failed to validate homeopathy as anything other than bullshit, yet it's strongest supports hang on hoping, perhaps, that someone will find out that we were wrong about physics and chemistry all along (you know, regional changes in physical constants and all that). Not all alternative medicine boosters are cynical thieves. Some really do believe that they are doing science, when in fact they are deceiving themselves about the meaning of data. When this type of thinking occurs in medicine, rather than leading to a paper retraction, it leads to quackery and sometimes death."
-- PalMD, surprising even me with this straight talk - it's so rare - though, I guess, that's what should be expected from The White Coat Undergroud.

Thank Goodness Everybody's So Spiritual!!!

Michelle Lyn Michaud, also of Sacramento, customized curling irons to help her boyfriend torture and murder a 22-year-old student abducted from a Pleasanton street.
In Utah, Wanda Eileen Barzee was accused of helping her husband kidnap 14-year old Elizabeth Smart at knifepoint from her Salt Lake City bedroom so that he could secure another 'wife.'
Now along comes Nancy Garrido of the Bay Area. Like the others, Garrido is accused of teaming up with a male partner — in Garrido's case, her husband of nearly three decades — and allegedly committing unthinkable crimes against other women and children.
The arrests Aug. 27 of Nancy and Phillip Garrido revealed a stunning story about the 1991 kidnapping of 11-year-old Jaycee Lee Dugard, snatched off the street near her home in Meyers. Authorities say Jaycee, now 29, had been living for 18 years in the Garridos' backyard near Antioch and is the mother of two children fathered by Phillip Garrido.
While attention focuses on Phillip Garrido's history of sexual assault, his reduced prison term and evasion of parole oversight, the case also raises haunting questions about what role his wife may have played."
-- The Sacramento Bee

The World's Most Important Job - And You Failed

At its heart is one of the most fundamental questions of our time: why, after decades of caring, progressive parenting and education, do we have so many social problems with children and teenagers from all backgrounds?
Based on a massive review of the latest scientific studies, authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman - who are established writers on social issues - insist that much of what we think of as being good parenting is actually wrong.
They argue that many of our strategies for nurturing our children are backfiring because we haven't properly understood the science of how children think or develop.
This isn't, they say, a stick to beat well-meaning parents with, but an opportunity to change family life for the better.

One of the biggest failures of modern parenting, say the authors, has been our belief in the importance of instilling high self-esteem at all costs. We praise our children constantly and indiscriminately. A simple drawing is 'brilliant'; getting a few ticks on their homework earns a delighted 'you're so clever'.
We have 'star charts', where children earn rewards for good behaviour. At sports days, no one is allowed to come first, so other children will be protected from feeling like a failure.
The theory is that this will build confidence and self-esteem in all the children - attributes which have been linked to happier, more successful lives and relationships in later life.
But new research from Dr Carol Dweck at Colombia University, who studied groups of children over ten years, indicates that the opposite is true. It suggests we are producing a generation of brats and 'praise junkies' who can't cope with the inevitable set-backs and failures of everyday life.
There is no evidence, say the authors, to show that high self-esteem has any effect on improving academic performance, or reducing anti-social behaviour.
In fact, over-praised children become more unpleasant to others and make poorer team players. Their prime goal becomes a kind of image maintenance, and they will do whatever they can - including criticising and dismissing others - to make themselves look good.

Over the past two decades, there has been a huge rise in progressive dads - the kind of man who is an active presence in his child's life from birth onwards, who has no truck with traditional gender roles, and who is just as likely to wash and dress their child or to take a day off work when their child is sick.
This has generally been considered an overwhelmingly positive thing, and the kind of 'new' parent that both women and children want.
However, new research from parenting expert Dr Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan shows that while 'co-parenting' has some benefits, it also leads to more arguments over parenting decisions, and to more conflict in the marriage.
Progressive fathers rate their marriages as less happy, and rate their families as not functioning as well as those with traditional fathers where gender roles are more defined, and where the father is the main earner/protector and the mother the main nurturer.
Progressive dads are also weaker at setting and enforcing family rules. They are very clear about ways they don't want to discipline their children (such as hitting or shouting), but confused and inconsistent about what to do instead.

Research shows that teens who have moderate conflict with their parents enjoy better relationships with them generally, tell fewer lies, and are better adjusted.
Many of the findings in Nurtureshock are not what we parents expect or want to hear, but we have to hear it. The authors, one of whom admits to being a softlysoftly parent, and who says they have made all the same mistakes, believe we have, quite simply, become scared of our children.
We need to take back our authority, stop being friends with our children, and re-think everything we thought we knew about what's best for them, and for society in general."
-- Maureen Rice, once more being called on to deliver the great news - that those "nice" NewAgers have blown it again - but, if there was any justice in the world, we wouldn't need these items because that fact would be scrawled on every piece of The Daily Mail.

The Good Life

Most evenings, the family spends its time in the kitchen in order not to have to switch ‘more lights on than necessary’ in other rooms. Mr Robinson’s Obligatory Carbon Doctrine started after he visited a prison with a group of psychology students. He noticed the repetitive routine that warders used to unlock and secure doors and he was lulled into performing his own rigorous lock-down activity at home. Because of OCD, the Robinsons have turned their home into a personal prison."
-- Austin Williams, on what the cultish "greening" of the planet leads to - self-imposed restrictions on everything - making you wish the Kool-Aid was Spiked.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
You Gotta Be Able To Make The Tough Calls

-- Moshe Lefkowitz, who is merely getting an Understatement Of The Day-level of recognition around here - no tag for Moshe - even after slicing close to the heart of the problem (and you're going to have to read this article, which presents the phrase "circling of live chickens over the head" - without the literary equivalent of eyerolls - to understand that phrasing) because, foolish fellow atheists, I thought anything more and, once again, you might get the impression some "shit was going down" in "SpirituaLand" man, like somebody was getting inspired, even long after you've read it's coming from LoHud.
And I just couldn't let that happen.
Not me. Not on my watch.
Now get outta here.

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