Saturday, July 31, 2010
Girls Just Wanna Act Dumb (Really, Some Do)

Don't no man want no crazy Kabbalah bitch.

Don't no Christian want no crazy vampire bitch.

Don't no court want to hear from no crazy unrepentant racist bitch.

Don't nobody want to hear from no crazy bitches, period.

Friday, July 30, 2010
Chuckles The Clown Admits He's In On The Joke

"Far, far down the High Street, long past where Oxford’s golden spires give way to neon strip malls, you come to a dense residential zone of tidy town houses, row upon row. In one of these, in a small room, a woman sits immobile in a chair.
She has been held prisoner in this room for days. Eight? Ten? Hard to keep track, when they won’t let you sleep. In shifts, day and night, her captors take turns berating her:
We know you know the number.
You have to tell us.
Why won’t you tell us?
The woman is 58 years old. Not long ago she was the mistress of a château near Bordeaux—elegant, soignée, an aristocrat.
Now she is fed a single meal each day. She is not allowed to bathe or use the bathroom. She is drugged, and sometimes she is beaten.
The captors include members of her own family. They say she knows the number because she is The One—the possessor of knowledge that will free her and the rest of them to fulfill their destiny. They want the number of a bank account in Brussels that will lead them to a secret that will save the world."

Thanks, Journalists (For What We Don't Know)

"Kim Il-sung, whose uncle was a Christian minister in pre-communist days, banned Bibles, closed churches and turned himself into a divinity. Government newspapers described miracles. A turbulent sea suddenly grew calm when sailors sang hymns to him. When he attended a meeting in the demilitarized zone, a mysterious fog descended, saving him from potential assassination by South Korean snipers. At the birth of his son, Kim Jong-il, a radiant star illuminated the sky.It's like they want you to think "cult", but don't want to say it themselves. Why the reluctance? Because, after 40+ years of operation in America, the cults (like Scientology and The Landmark Forum) have got everyone so cowed that, if you even say the word "cult", it's just assumed you're crazy.
Efficient, relentless brainwashing worked."
There are no cults, you see, just a bunch of really secretive groups that are compelled - compelled, damn you! - to "save the planet". Or help you to "reach your full potential" (whatever that's supposed to mean) for a price.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Links For Chinks (So They Thinks That I'm Cool)

Yoga people - this is how you really stretch - without all the funny words, spiritual bullshit, and cultism.
American women - this is how French women stay so fit - and here you were thinking it was some special diet.
U.F.O. nuts - that face on Mars? - didn't you forget we're already on Mars?
Hey, California - you're fucking nutty - and gullible as all-get-out.
Hell, yea - I'm a conservative - now make a donation so I know if you like the crazy music/crazy link format better:

You Stand Watch: I'm Taking Care Of The Rest

I've put some of the more neglected tags at the bottom of this post so, if you want, you can amuse yourselves with some of the less-seen items/topics until I get started again - and just keep clicking from there. I won't be too long:
I'll be putting something new up between each stage of the operation.
Have fun!
Clicking on the "music" or "videos" tags, and continuing on to the Older Posts at the bottom of each page, is bound to surprise you.

amy winehouse,
andrew weil,
Arianna Huffington,
chinese medicine,
deepak chopra,
l. ron hubbard,
the colbert report,
whoopi goldberg
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Some Men Are As Fake As A Woman In Make-Up

"Lying for sex. It happens all the time.If you've got to lie for sex, you ain't shit. Either get some game, or get the fuck out of the way and let an adult handle shit, loser.
Yet a married Palestinian man has been ordered jailed for 18 months for having sex with an Israeli woman after giving her the impression he too was Jewish, as well as single and interested in a relationship.
His conviction of 'rape by deception' has drawn charges of racism and questions about whether courts should be delving into this fraught topic.
Saber Qashor, a 30-year-old father of two, says he was approached by the woman in September 2008 on a downtown Jerusalem street where he had parked his motorcycle, and introduced himself as 'Dudu,' a common Israeli Jewish nickname.
Within half an hour they were having sex in a Jerusalem office building stairwell.
After nearly two months, he was arrested and told the woman had accused him of forcible rape. Last week, he was sentenced to prison and fined 10,000 shekels ($2,500) for 'rape by deception,' an offense that may be unique to the Israeli legal code.
Rape by deception was written into the law to protect women from sexual predators, but some argue that Qashor's act doesn't count — that he was simply doing what so many men and women do for sex."
I swear, some people don't know how to do anything right,...

Gaze Upon That Which You Will Never See Again (After The Coming Election On November 12th)

The Hill has our capital's 50 Most Beautiful People up today. Along with the crazy "raw foodist, bikram yogi" nut Republican, see if you can stand to be in the presence of such outstanding examples of humanity without giving up your lunch. Here's a sample of what you'll find:

"9. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.: Still beautifulGot that? Jesse Jackson's kid (who looks like a burn victim to me) is another Oprah Winfrey-inspired cultish government "fitness nut" who does yoga while he brainlessly "wanders through the members-only space" spouting NewAge nonsense about "living in the moment". (Which of course means his zombie ass will screw you over, without a care, because that was in "the past",...) Just what we need to get Washington's house in order:
Age: 45
Hometown: Chicago
Political party: Democratic
Relationship status: Married
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. recently read Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now. The lessons he took from it?
'The past is gone … live in the moment,' Jackson says.
Jackson’s now: He is the co-chairman of the House Members’ Wellness Center and has ushered in sweeping changes. Jackson, a fitness nut, converted one of the gym’s racquetball courts into a space dedicated to martial arts, yoga, Pilates and the P90X exercise program popular with several lawmakers. (Changes were funded by members’ dues, not by taxpayers’, he’s careful to point out.) He donated a blender and juicer so members can whip up protein shakes and other post-workout meals. And he wanders through the members-only space in the mornings to make sure his fellow lawmakers are happy and taking care of their health."
Someone with their priorities straight - who clearly understands why they're there.
Good Lord, these cultists are a disappointment. Now, please, excuse me while I go barf,...

One More Time (For Old Times Sake)
Ahh yes, former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, proven (once again) he's a jackass and a liar - the very qualities that made him a *perfect* leader of the Left during the Bush years - willing to spread any falsehood that leaps into that totally delusional ever-burning yee-haw brain of his, and all because his super-gullible pea-brained "progressive" supporters will believe anything he says - anything! - as long as it starts with the words FOX News.
Tell me, people: how would the Bush years have gone if the "progressives" had known (or cared) about the truth? Would we have heard, repeatedly, that it was Dick Cheney and/or Scooter Libby (either one would do for this particular lie) that leaked Valerie Plames' name to the press - when it was really a Democrat?
Oh, never mind. They're too stupid to care. Integrity means nothing to them. And I've been down this road too many times before.
They've got their black version of Bozo in office, and we're all suffering now, and really - really - isn't that all that matters?
Hat Tip: NewsBusters

First Homeopathy, Now This: The U.K.'s Fucked

'I'm not talking Britain down', Cameron insists, after claiming we should show India humility.Yea, sure, you fucking puss - you've obviously learned nothing, because we've seen this all before:

Welcome to your next generation of the new Barmy Army,...

I'm Just Askin' (Is It That Hard To Understand?)

Doesn't anyone understand he's, not only delusional but, "a deceiver and a liar"?

Doesn't anyone understand this man is, not only delusional but, "a deceiver and a liar"?

Doesn't anyone understand she's, not only delusional but, "a deceiver and a liar"?

What do you think?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Turn The Crank (That's Making A Big Donation)

I'm a crank. I've been told that, and I'm treated that way, both online and off. For instance, I've seen so many parallels between our politics and Homeopathy, and for so long, there's no way anyone can take me seriously, right?
It's just a crazy idea.

Sorry, but this one's so good I've got to ruin my own joke:
"According to new research unveiled this month, women were far more involved in the atrocities committed during the Holocaust than previously thought. Wendy Lower, an American historian living in Munich, uncovered that thousands of German women ('a conservative estimate') willingly went out to the Nazi-occupied eastern territories to take part in the 'war effort,' otherwise known as genocide.
This news is disturbing, to be sure, but it's also not surprising. Anyone who reacts with shock to the reality that women have the capacity to be immoral, malicious, and violent -- just like the guys -- hasn't paid enough attention in history class, much less to the nightly news.
...Women the world over, especially self-proclaimed feminists, must own the truth about our gender's capacity for violence if we are ever going to be effective in combating it. With our recent past of cowboy presidents and reckless money men, it's tempting to sit smugly in our stitch 'n bitch circles and surmise that if we were in charge, we would never do what they have done.
Bitch Magazine co-founder Lisa Jervis wrote of this tendency in her powerfully original 2005 piece, 'If Women Ruled the World, Nothing Would be Different.' She describe a disturbing rise in 'femmenism,' in which all women, just by virtue of being female, are to be elevated and glorified. Instead of focusing on gender, as radical feminists should, she argues, feminists have become obsessed with women. This, she writes, 'causes sloppy thinking, intellectual dishonesty, and massive strategic errors.'"

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