According to Daily News columnist Errol Louis, Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor has worked as a volunteer workshop leader for the past four years with the Development School for Youth (DSY), a branch of the Newman-controlled All Stars Project (the latter is a multifaceted youth charity that works with kids of all ages). Louis quotes the White House as saying that the DSY is Sotomayor's 'favorite project.'”
-- Dennis King, with even more evidence Obama's favorite "wise Latina" ain't so wise about (what else?) cults - but this accusation's especially damning - because it's popped up on the batshit-screwy Lyndon LaRouche Watch.
Well I'll be damned. No - wait - I'm damned already. This is another of those "hidden in plain sight" (AKA "occult") things that so many people are letting slide in their, totally non-racial, rush to appoint any minority to a post she's got no business being in. (I know, I know: Now I hate my Latina heritage as well,....) The Anti-Defamation League called this group "A Cult By Any Other Name," and said Newman, in a 1985 speech, called Jews "storm troopers of decadent capitalism against people of color the world over." But - hey - as far as I know, nobody ever let little things like that stop anything in these parts.
Like I said, I'm damned,...to this life in hell.

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