Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rediscovering Humanity (In Our Animal Nature)

Now, here's a NewAger asking the right questions, and finally on the right "path":

Having made the click in my head, I wonder today how they will actually change the world with a breathing technique and call that “conflict resolution”? Again, I go back to the question: what about me did not allow me to see through it all, and instead, just like my peers, found ways to justify the politics, the nasty things that went on behind the scenes, and the magical gullible thinking?
"Nasty things"? Ooooh, do tell.

Nah, we're joking. But now that you've snapped out of it, what do you think of "things"?

Recognizing I once belonged to a cult and helped promote it comes with a lot of sensations that range from anger to shame.
Yea, that can be a drag - most people won't understand your anger for a while - but it (slowly) goes away. We think it's grand that you can already do what so many others can't - call a cult a "cult" - and not pussyfoot around with it. That alone is a sign of extreme progress. If only the rest of the "progressives" could join you. But, alas, they're still too trapped - trying to avoid hurting each other's "feelings" - to flat-out tell the truth. But not you. You've survived and prospered. You're back. And we're, oh, so glad to know that.

With the real you "you" again, this is probably going to be the best Thanksgiving ever!

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