Monday, November 15, 2010

Gee, What Can I Do To Maybe Make My Life Better, But Turn Some Innocent Black Man's Into A Further Version Of A White's Living Hell?

I love the female newscaster's only comment: "Very creative."

A giant black fist should've come out of nowhere and clocked the bitch.

1 comment:

  1. Well? Why not? What is so different about changing your race to commit a crime from say, shaving your head, or growing a beard, and mustache? If I was going to rob a bank, why not? I'd much rather have the police looking for a six foot tall black male with a beer belly, as opposed to a six foot tall, athletic white male. On the other hand, if I was similarly built, why not dress as a woman?

    And if I'm a criminal and they catch and prosecute the wrong guy what do I care? The heat is off of me, and I got away with it. If a black guy makes his face white, and robs a bank, I concern myself more that there's a potentially murderous bank robber on the loose, not what costume he wore to while doing it.

    I wouldn't have commented anonymously, but my screen name has been "Pastafarian" forever, and someone else uses that name over at Althouse, (not me) and I didn't want any confusion.
