Saturday, November 20, 2010

You Can Be Black (But Must Be The Right Kind)

We'll let Hot Air explain this clusterfuck:
Civil Rights Icon John Lewis, admitting he didn’t know the facts of the case, proceeded to defend Charlie Rangel against his ethics violations by dredging up Rangel’s involvement in the Civil Rights movement. I guess the facts of the case or rather the actual ethics violations themselves don’t matter to John Lewis if you are one of his friends. Yet Allen West says that while he was being viciously attacked during his recent campaign, having his social security number mailed to all of his constituents and being accused of being a member of an all white motorcycle gang, that John Lewis came down and campaigned against him, supporting the man who was playing the race card and egregiously smearing him. West sees this as duplicitous and asks if instead of defending Charlie Rangel, Lewis should have stood on character.

West also has strong words for the Congressional Black Caucus that he criticizes for ‘preaching victimization and dependency’ while supporting ‘liberal social welfare policies that are failing in the black community’.
With Barack Obama in office, especially, a lot of blacks are having a hard time knowing who or what is in their interest - and who or what ain't - here's a hint:

Anyone who proved he was a disaster specifically for black people, before he got into office, probably wasn't a good choice for blacks to follow and pledge undying support.

So now comes Allen West, a former military man from Florida who's not likely to maw-maw any kind of black (or white) line, but to do what's right based on what'll get results. Will black people take a real look at him? Or will they, as the CBC is doing, recoil from criticism merely because that's what it is? Honestly, we don't know. But we'll tell our fellow blacks this much, before they start the (expected) "Uncle Tom" talk - or as Barack (and the rest of the usual suspects) sink the country even further in debt - which will always hurt those at the bottom first:

It's only your friends who will tell you.

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