We think we've gotten in trouble with Glenn Reynolds, again, because,...well, just because we're us.
We've criticized his taste in music, the deer-in-the-headlights look he gets on camera, the sound of his voice (and his adorable wife's) and some of the issues he promotes (or disses) on Instapundit - pretty much everything but the fact he runs a great blog. But hey - sorry - we thought *commenting* was *the point* and, when you're dealing with a blog called The Macho Response, it should be pretty obvious that class (or ass kissing) ain't exactly gonna be high up on our list of priorities. (Nobody's demanding Ace of Spades chill his shit after all, or punishing him for doing what he does.)
Oh well, we know what the "Instalaunch" thing is about now - inclusion with the "other-other elites" of the Right - and, if we can't be in the club, then we can't be in the club:
Shit, we're black, poor, and attached to no one - so nothing new there.
The reason we're writing this is to let Reynolds know we never meant any harm or anything. We just want to improve the conservative output, so it can appeal to a wider - read: cooler, possibly darker - audience, as much as the next right-leaning blog. (We keep reading that that's what conservatism wants to do but, somehow, all these white folks never get around to accomplishing that goal, focusing instead on continually patting themselves on the back while saying "don't get cocky." Seems weird.) But, if saying "Dana Loesch isn't a good public speaker" or "Glenn Reynolds looks stupid on camera" or "Roger L. Simon ought to ditch that fucking hat" is going to make somebody cry, or act like a puss, then - whatever. We thought people were allowed to be people - y'know, different - but we see how it is now:
Our thinking that the Right was more mature (and/or somehow "harder" than the Left) was, clearly, mistaken.
It's apparently just more kindergarden shit, pretending it's Jr. High.

Historically the Republican Party was not designed to welcome blacks into their organization. It was made up of mostly white, wealthy males. And represented that group well, effectively and with power. Only recently is the GOP even trying to include blacks, mostly because so many whites voted for Obama and the GOP has lost ground in dollars and elected officials. We must remember, the GOP is slow to change and doesn't historically encourage diversity. Any news video of the Tea Party or Republican rallies will show how little diversity has gotten a foothold in the GOP. I believe the Republican Party will continue to struggle with this dilemma, inclusion of blacks is not in the GOP's near future.
ReplyDeleteI think (hope?) you're wrong but, the potential for stupid forms of marginalization are real, and we'll just have to wait and see.
ReplyDeleteI've been to Tea Party gatherings and, while they always want to push me in front of the TV cameras (to "prove" they're not racist, which I consider, at least, a "racial" act) they've never made me feel uncomfortable, except in their disappointment that I refuse to be used as a prop.
The Right is now claiming they want diversity - but, especially, diversity of thought - so, with my participation, that idea is definitely going to be tested for validity. Are they up to the challenge? I don't know:
Let's give 'em a little time and see.
And thanks for writing!
The GOP has its panties in a wad trying to figure out how to deal with the Tea Party. The only thing that irks them more than "diversifying" by letting minorities participate is feeling like they got to get some Tea Party cred when all they really want is for them to go away. As much as they dont like the Tea Party extremes, your biggest problem got nothing to do with you being black. You just too far off the edge to do them any good.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I'll keep that one in mind.