Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh, It Feels So Good!

Remember, after Obama won the presidential election, how every Leftist in the world was determined to rub it in conservative's faces, marginalizing us, while declaring it was "the end of conservatism" and nyah nyah nyah nyah nyahing at every opportunity? Well, Glenn Beck didn't forget either, so he and his guys have a wonderful Gloat-A-Thon here, rubbing it in the faces of Obama and Democratic Party supporters like the "enemies" Beck & Co. are. Hell, RINOs even get some for good measure.

John Boehner said this is no time to celebrate but, as Beck says, after at least two years of everyone kicking us when we were down, fuck that. Graciousness can wait for tomorrow:

Congratufuckinglations Tea Partiers!

Hat Tip: Neocon Express

1 comment:

  1. major annoying with the singing but have to enjoy the “gloating”
