Those who read this blog often probably know what they're getting, and what we're getting at, but the rest might not have a clue - especially when it comes to the photography.

For instance, most people know what veganism is, and probably have nothing against it. But then, if they read this blog regularly, they also know we steer clear. A newcomer might ask "why?"
We will attempt to explain:
Here's an article we found called "The Rise of the Power Vegans", which features many of the names
TMR readers have come to associate with NewAge nonsense (Buddha boy Russell Simmons, Ken Wilber cult devotee Bill Clinton, and UFO nut Dennis Kucinich) mixed in with some new names to the meatless high-and-mighty.

Close behind those usual suspects are the others, the NewAge women, mostly represented by the crazier crew of
The Secret (Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres) before the author finally drops the quote that hits
TMR's sweet spot:
Ultimate Fighting Championship mixed martial artist and vegan Luke Cummo says that he drinks his own urine.
Bingo, baby! Do you get it now? How do you go from casually discussing keeping meat out of your mouth to putting your own pee in it? Consider for a second, that that astounding remark goes
completely unremarked upon in the article, and you might start to reach the frequency we're on.

Also consider it was Congressman Kucinich who claimed to have seen a UFO on Shirley MacLaine's balcony - and Shirley MacLaine, bless her heart, is also known to drink her own urine - so, if you're normal, you can begin to see something ain't right within this very-closed (and close-knit) circle of foolish famous folks.

Or did you always think America's leaders were a bunch of weirdos who have given up food for drinking their own pee (or hanging out with people who do)?
Well, if not, now you know. Because that's what we do.
And the photography?
What's wrong with our taste in photography?
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