We didn't run this expose' on hypocrisy sooner because - honestly - Rachel Maddow makes us throw up in our mouths (a little) whenever we see her, but here it is anyway - along with a reminder there's a "donate" button on our site as well, and we hope that you'll hit it if you can:
Unattached conservative bloggers need love, too, y'know.
Plus, we think it's a crime that the people who do so much to destroy and mislead the country - politicians and the like - can still get Americans to donate millions, while individuals, or small operations, who can probably do more with less, are forced to do so because so few will give to them. (If we had one million dollars, there probably wouldn't even be a Democratic Party any longer,...) Oh well, there's still something about Democrats throwing their money away on losers, like Grayson, that can't help but raise a smile - even if it's just to acknowledge failure.
Carry on, my wayward sons,...
Hat Tip: The Other McCain

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