God how I wish I were American right now. In the US,...they do still understand the principles of “don’t tread on me” and “live free or die.” Not all of them, obviously – otherwise a socialist like Barack Obama would never have got into power. But enough of them to understand that in the last 80 or more years – and not just in the US but throughout the Western world – government has forgotten its purpose. It has now grown so arrogant and swollen as to believe its job is to shape and improve and generally interfere with our lives. And it’s not. Government’s job is to act as our humble servant.But wait - there's more - and this is where TMR's themes come in:
...look at Australia; look at Canada; look at New Zealand; look at anywhere in the EUSSR; look at America – at least until things begin to be improved by today’s glorious revolution. Wherever you go, even if it’s somewhere run by a notionally “conservative” administration, the malaise you will encounter is much the same: a system of governance predicated on the notion that the state’s function is not merely to uphold property rights, maintain equality before the law and defend borders, but perpetually to meddle with its citizens’ lives in order supposedly to make their existence more fair, more safe, more eco-friendly, more healthy. And always the result is the same: more taxation, more regulation, less freedom. Less “fairness” too, of course.
As you all know, since Climategate I’ve been dedicating far more of my time than is healthy to exposing the great Global Warming scam. This is not because I’ve suddenly realised I’m a scientist manque who wants to spend the rest of his life obsessing about forcings, feedbacks and solar radiation. It’s because I understand that “Environmentalism” is but one strategically significant theatre in a much greater ideological war being waged across the world.

This is also TMR's election victory.
We were here before the Tea Party, fighting for and against the very same ideas they've finally come to agree with, whether they knew about us or not. Listen to Tim Rutten of The L.A. Times:
For example, 19 of the 20 GOP candidates who are in closely contested races and have expressed a position on the issue say they have doubts about the scientific evidence for global warming, despite the overwhelming consensus among scientists. That includes Arizona's John McCain, who formerly supported legislation to reduce carbon emissions. Mark Kirk of Illinois, who voted for cap-and-trade as a congressman, is the lone Republican holdout. Some of the other senatorial candidates express ambivalence about the science but firmly reject any legislative or regulatory remedy; more agree with Louisiana's David Vitter, who calls the evidence for climate change "pseudo-science garbage."
Recent polls show just how deeply partisan the split over global warming has become, and how closely it conforms to the deep fissures that have reshaped this year's electoral landscape. A survey by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, for instance, found that over the last four years, the percentage of Americans who believe there's solid scientific evidence for climate change has declined from 79% to 59%. In 2006, half of us believed that global warming was caused by human activities; today, only 34% do. An Opinion Research Corp. survey found that while 82% of Democrats feel the United States should take a leading role in addressing global warming, only 39% of Republicans now do.

A vote against Oprah Winfrey IS a vote against Barack Obama, "Green" legislation, race-based boondoggles, general fraud, and more.
For us, it's that simple:
If she's for it, we've just voted against it.
Nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid, or Jon Stewart, or even Barack Obama - they're just fellow travelers - it's voting against anyone, and anything, that has to do with Oprah and NewAge that we're focused on - and we think you should be, too.

"Does this agree with what NewAgers think or don't it?"
And then, if it does, pull the trigger and vote the other way.

Here's my wishlist
ReplyDelete1. Impeach Obama - no reason we should allow a Kenyan Marxist to lead the greatest country in the world
2. End Social Security - waste of money
3. End Medicare/Medicaid - Get a job and get health insurance like th rest of us you lazy slobs!
4. End Unemployment Insurance - P{aying people not to work is the definition of insanity
5. End the witchhunt against Wall St - Banks and Corporations make the country go, enough with the polictically motivated class war to punish companies for outsourcing, if moving jobs to India or China is what they need to do to compete in the global marketplace then lets not stand in the way
6. Amend the constitution to make marriage between a man and a woman
7. Build an electric fence around the border - Canada too!
8. Defund NPR - if the kiddies want educational TV, let their parents pay for cable so they can watch Nickelodeon
9. Invade Iran - this one is long overdue. We have the money, we have the manpower, let's roll!!!!
10. End foodstamps - again, paying people not to work? Sheet folly. Let the churches and other voulunteer oprganizations feed lazy people, of that's what the really want to do.
GO GOP!!!!!!!!
11. Restore God in public schools, stop discriminating against Christians, allow prayer
ReplyDelete12. Stop promoting false docrtine of evolution, amend textbooks to discuss Intelligent Design
13. FCC needs to crack down on smut on television and radio, sex and profanity etc
14. Ban abortion
15. Constitutional amendment to make flag-buring a felony
17. Lift mileage standards that are crippling automotive industry
18. All politicians must swear on Bible, no alternate texts aloud
19. Make Bush tax cuts PERMANENT
20. All muslims or people descended from muslims or related to them have to sign a loyalty oath