Monday, January 17, 2011

A Crack In Everything: It's How The Light Gets In

It's almost funny - almost - to read of the changes happening out there, and think of our coverage in respect to it, like our prophecy that NewAge was eventually going to kill in some manner that would actually get the public's attention.

In a way, TMR has been offering a road map to how the country was going to free itself from Liberalism.

For instance, according to Glenn Reynolds' reports, bloggers are souring on, with the latest scribe giving this for a reason:
“I still think of Politico as a political blog, but it now is more of a mainstream media operation populated by people who could just as easily be working at The Washington Post or The New York Times if those newspapers were not in such decline.
Now, as we've been saying a lot lately, we don't label everything NewAge. While it may not seem so to the uneducated eye, we're very specific with the charge, and we base it purely on what NewAge entities reveal about themselves in public.

If they've been flogging NewAge ideas for no apparent reason (other than that's what they wanted to do) we called them NewAge and let the cards fall where they may.

And we nailed a long time ago.

Of interest to our readers, in light of our motto ("Defeat the Democrats and they'll be back - defeat NewAge and we're done with the lot of 'em") would be this quote from our long-ago Politico-damning post:
When asked how many customers have asked of them questions about the election, [Psychic Moira O’Dowd] said that they’ve gotten quite a few requests to do astrological readings of Obama and Biden, but not really any of McCain.

“Maybe that’s an indication of our client base,” O’Dowd said.
Right. Their client base is Liberals - and Politico. Why others didn't notice what Politico, and the like had been up to - and voice, at the very least, concern - is a question we've asked for years.

Seriously - other than to help this blog connect the dots to how NewAge ideas spread and who holds them - why was an article on pet psychics ever in The New York Times?

And why did we find ourselves writing to, specifically, The Washington Post about inaccurate coverage of Barack Obama's "cultish" election?

But, speaking of the president's election, when it comes to NewAge in the media and the American political society, of course, the big fish is Oprah Winfrey.

She is "The One" who - while not single handedly - brought Barack Obama to us while pumping nonsense like "The Secret" into the heads of America.

And she brought Obama in just that manner:
Obama's rhetoric, while beautiful in delivery, is vacuous in content. He is not a characteristic black orator like Martin Luther King Jr. He doesn't soar in his perorations but comes in low and intimate. He is a perfect child of the television age and the New Age. His rhetoric is astoundingly vacuous: "Yes we can!" or "We are the ones we've been waiting for."

What do these words mean? Everything and nothing.

One of the reasons I find the evidence of his cynicism somewhat reassuring is that it suggests he doesn't believe his own vacuity, but uses vacuous formulations in perfect harmony with the wider celebrity culture, unlike Jimmy Carter, a disastrous president who bought his own moonshine.

Underneath all that New Age Obama pap there may be a real politician, though of course we don't know.
Greg Sheridan, 2008, in The Australian.

Ladies and Gentlemen, NewAgers aren't the only one's with the talent for convincingly guessing the future. And - though it's taken a while to get here - as events unfold, with the tiniest bit of interest from the public, something tells us we might finally be on the verge of discovering exactly what it is we've got on our hands. This blog certainly hopes so.

1 comment:

  1. Very worthwhile info, lots of thanks for your article.
