Wednesday, September 11, 2024


They want to talk about Donald Trump's debate performance without mentioning the shooting. They want to talk about the Royals having cancer without mentioning the homeopath. And they want to talk about Elle Macpherson denying cancer treatment without talking about her quack doctor 

 They're repeatedly leaving out the important information to focus on the superfluous

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Things Left Unsaid

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air snickers over a Shocker: Captured Hamas Document Shows Sinwar Playing the West Like a Fiddle. I don't know which of Morrissey's assumptions is more insulting: that Hamas wouldn't have a strategy or that I wouldn't have a brain.
No one's going to talk about Montel, until Kamala's wrecking the White House, just like no one's going to talk about Andrew Wakefield until Elle McPhersen's cancer comes back to kill her

Friday, September 6, 2024


When I see this,...
I also see this

"Deeply Sick" (Name-Calling Vs Explaining)

Former President Donald Trump said that it was "deeply sick" not to side with zionists during the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) - and Instapundit repeated it so it must be true - though neither of them said why.
The closest Trump came to an explanation was saying “Only an evil and inhuman, really inhuman ideology, kidnaps, tortures and murders innocent men, women and children,” which - as far as an objective listener can tell - are all things zionists have done, and are doing, to the Palestinians, so it makes no sense.
They're just adding insult to injury. 


 Yesterday, I just happened to be listening to a debate with the loathsome zionist historian, Benny Morris, who - while claiming every horrible thing he's ever said was "taken out of context" - made statements that contained some confusing embedded assumptions.
For instance, he kept saying the Arabs, right from the beginning, refused to "share" the land. OK. He never said why they should, or explained what obligated them to do so. He just said they wouldn't. So the zionists took it. 
What part of "'no' means 'no'" didn't the zionists understand? Are they, Trump, and Instapundit "deeply sick" not to get it, as the IDF "kidnaps, tortures and murders innocent men, women and children" to satisfy their misunderstanding? It appears so, though few will say. Well, one did:

When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations build [sic] up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people. 

 Sincerely yours, 

 Albert Einstein (1947)

Friday, August 2, 2024

Slowly I Turned: Step-By-Step, Inch-By-Inch,...

Whether it's Zionists overseas, or the Democrat Party at home, cultish forces are acting, by subverting input from the American people, who will be held responsible for any repercussions in the wake of their actions. And they will be nasty. The citizens of the United States are going to regret sitting on their hands right now, when they should be demanding to be heard. 

If they WANT to be Zionist puppets, with an incompetent president, say so - don't just let it happen.

NewAge Democrats Ain't Spent Decades Trying To Feel 'Empowered' For Nothin'

 They've tried to kill Trump. They indicted him four times. They impeached him twice. They changed a law so they could convict him of rape. Hillary Clinton lied that he was in league with Putin, and Stephen Colbert spread the story that he was peed on by Russian hookers. They've sicced a corrupt FBI and the hostile Department of Justice after him. They try to get his wife to leave him. All while waving their amulets, claiming to be witches, seeing power in crystals and waving their hands. No, this new cultish Democrat Party will never learn anything ever again. 

 I've followed elections since 1979, and they're the embodiment of pure evil in American politics

The World's Biggest Gallery Isn't Large Enough

Every time I finish a new piece, I have a profound sense of satisfaction, with my only regret being that more people can't experience it with me, so they can also feel better, as well.

If The Theory That People Never Die Leaves You Terrified, You're Gullible, Too

Once you can grasp how vast, cold, and uncaring 'the universe' is, and the fact that living things consume one another, you have to be narcissistic-to-the-extreme - and a little stupid - to think your life will continue after death, or there's a God who cares, specifically, about YOU. 

 That poisoning narcissism's survival is why so many things in modern society don't work now.

Democrats: Take Us To Your Leader That's Handing Out The Marching Orders

"Trump Is ‘Weird,’ Vance Is ‘Creepy.’ Finally, the Democrats Start Name-Calling.

 The Democrats don't get it: if Donald Trump calls someone a name, that's just roasting them. He's one guy. But - when all the Democrats start saying the same thing at the same time - that makes living in America like finding yourself at a really bad party, that all of a sudden starts turning into a sinister and dangerous cult, just because you wanted to check the headlines. 

You don't hear every NPC conservative screaming 'fake news' just because Trump says it. 

 In order to be trustworthy, the Democrat's cultists have to show they can think for themselves.

The World's Top Vacation Destination Fooled Everyone About How Cool They Are

I hope France was correct, and this Olympics will tell the world something about their identity, because I'm getting a little tired of being told I'm just suffering 'sour grapes' after my ugly divorce

I traveled there for a couple of decades, and lived there for 2 1/2 years, and I say these many problems are nothing new, unique, or different for them. They're unreasonable, and pathetic, and will argue 'up' is 'down' before ever admitting they're wrong. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Difference Between Black And Brown Is Epic


Mindy Kaling: "OK, what we're going to cook today is an Indian recipe." 

 Kamala Harris: "Yes." 

 Mindy Kaling: "Because you're an Indian." 

 Kamala Harris: "Yes." 

 There isn't a single 'black' person in America who can do a cooking show like this, because we don't have a 'homeland' to pull recipes from, or go on vacation to. We are the descendants of slaves. Slavery is not a place. 

If Kamala Harris were black, she would know that.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Staring Down A Black Hole

Describing the Israeli Army's Plan to Flood Hamas' Network of Tunnels Under Gaza as "a predictable military failure which no one stopped until it was too late," also describes the whole Zionist project, at this point, doesn't it? 

I'm starting to think Zionists spent too much time with their captors during the Holocaust. That's why they had blonde haired, blue eyed Paul Newman playing the lead in 'Exodus' and not Woody Allen. Hezbollah just killed a bunch of children and teens. The Zionists just killed 30 at a Girls School in Gaza. But this is the only place where Zionists say they feel safe.

The Greeks lived there, thousands of years ago, too. Funny, they don't feel that way.