This blog and I seem to have become the black
Howard Beale - without the audience, of course.

Without the audience because I may seem unhinged on occasion, or I hurt somebody's widdle feewings, but it's mostly because "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - not even from my betters - and y'all don't know what to do with someone who doesn't hide that he thinks most of you, whatever your credentials, are fools.

I met a guy a few days ago, worked in the psychiatric field, who was buying a new car because a psychic told him he'd meet an italian woman after he'd done so.

Don't laugh, because (as far as I'm concerned) he represented all of y'all.

Just caught up in a bit of the ol' "irrational exuberance" is all.

How's that song go?
"We both know that it's wrong / but it's much to strong / to let it go now,..."?
Yep, that's your problem, in a nutshell.

Like Bart and Lisa arguing, Glenn Reynolds and Ann Althouse and Andrew Breitbart think they're doing something big with the Tea Party as they scream "Your a racist!" "No, you're a racist!" in the back seat of
The Simpson's family car.

You're all racists.

ObamaCare passed right under their noses and all they do is act like it doesn't matter - they've got a movement.

Yea, like teenagers forming a band.

"There's a lot more money still out there, in the election cycle underway. According to the review that the Center for Responsive Politics has made of all contributions of $200 or more reported to the Federal Election Commission, Goldman Sachs and its employees have put at least $694,000 into the campaigns of federal candidates in the 2010 election cycle - that money flowing by a better than two-to-one margin to the Democratic Party, the one in control of Congress."

scared of you. 
(Not really.)

Want to know what gets me going?

While these fools are out there fighting the enemy the old fashioned way - and losing -
I see this: 
"The Oprah Winfrey Network, the 50/50 joint venture between Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Inc. and Discovery Communications, announced last week it had secured a significant commitment from Procter & Gamble, the world's largest advertiser.
P&G, the manufacturer of dozens of household name brands like Tide, Crest, Tampax and Pampers, committed to a deal reportedly worth more than $100 million over three years. The agreement, which includes the purchase of time and integration into programming, is unprecedented in that Winfrey's network (OWN for short) will not be on the air until January 2011, does not yet have a full programming lineup and has no audience and therefore no basis for ratings, reach or demographics."

Or how about
"Oprah Winfrey raises $3 million for Barack Obama"? 
Seems to me, picking off that one
quackery-selling woman - who gave more to the enemy than everyone at Goldman Sachs, combined - should be pretty easy, but she
(and the other NewAgers she's been involved with) are hands off for the Tea Party to go after.
But that's how you fight politics now: Glenn Beck style.

Connect Bill Clinton to Ken Wilber - and then
tell people about Ken Wilber.

You'll win me over when you try something new.

And stop being a bunch of wusses.

You know,
The Macho Response.