Think that's a fluke - or the way it is?
Talking to most whites is just fucking hopeless,...

And only a few generations from slavery. Sigh. I warned you:
- Arthur Chu, on what white America's been looking for, in us"Dr. King didn’t spend that much time condemning riots–he spent far more of his time condemning people who spent all of their time condemning riots,...King understood that trying to solve the problem of “riots” instead of trying to solve the problem of oppression is like feeding painkillers to a patient with a gushing open wound,...
...When your sons and daughters are shot dead in the street and the state refuses to so much as apologize, someone, somewhere is going to pick up a brick. When a people go unheard for generations, someone is going to scream. When you take your foot off a man’s neck, he’s going to knock your block off. To expect otherwise is to expect oppressed people to be inhuman,..."
- D. L. Hughley, on the 6 indicted Baltimore police officers, and the one undeniable flaw in most black's entire American experience“If they had just treated Mr. Gray like a human being,...they wouldn’t be going to court and he wouldn’t be dead. And the only reason that exists in this country is because America by and large thinks its no big deal.”
Folks, when you're willing to even consider - as your side's "most,...capable of reaching out" - a guy who has the same credibility as KKK highway clean-up, you need to re-ask if (at this point) it ain't the movement, itself, that's got a problem,...
I've been making this point, here, in one way or another, for the last seven years - directly to conservatives - to no avail:
There's still hope for whites yet
Maybe, if you're white, your heritage might make you feel better - and push you to do the right thing; help you see it all another way. Your heritage, not blacks - we're fine as we are. Anyway, here's a "happy" white warning from '78 to nudge you ahead. Remember: the future is always now - and yes, We Are DEVO: