The dumb son of a bitch even got washed out today when he attempted to give a speech for the fallen.

"Lady Gaga has spent £3,000 on ghostbusting gear because she's convinced evil spirits are haunting her.As if single-handedly destroying music wasn't bad enough,...
The pop diva got aides to buy the specialist kit, including electro-magnetic field readers, before her Monster's Ball tour gig at London's O2 arena tonight.
She told them she was terrified of 'bad energy' - and ordered them to do a spirit-seeking sweep of the backstage area."
"I've always been political, but I haven't always been a Republican. I was with Martin Luther King [and] at the Free Speech Movement in Berkeley. I was a hippie. I was probably as Left as you could get without being a Communist.Hat Tip: Ace of Spades HQ
I read too much Thomas Jefferson and decided that every 25 years you needed to have a change if you're really going to have a republic, and the Democrats had been in power too long.
The idea of changing the Congress, changing the Senate, getting the Democrats out, getting the Republicans in, also the idea of having less government -- which didn't seem to work out.
The idea of less government, more individual freedom, is something that I liked. I started believing it. So I started voting. I voted that time for Reagan, and I've voted on the straight Republican ticket ever since. I don't go to meetings, I don't go to things. I just go to the polls and do it. I think I just made the natural curve. You've got to start one place and go all the way around.
The controversy about me, I don't think it's going to stop me. However, a lot of people treat me differently, and they do bring it up. I'll be at a dinner party, and somebody will say, 'Well, you couldn't be thinking that ...' And then you realize that everybody at the table is looking at you, and they're like, 'You're kidding! You're not really for Bush.' And it goes around the table."
"Toddlers who tell lies early on are more likely to do well later, researchers claim.
The complex brain processes involved in formulating a lie are an indicator of a child's early intelligence, they add.
A Canadian study of 1,200 children aged two to 17 suggests those who are able to lie have reached an important developmental stage.
Only a fifth of two-year-olds tested in the study were able to lie.
But at age four, 90% were capable of lying, the study found. The rate increases with age to a peak at age 12."
"Organic food has no health, taste or nutritional advantages over conventionally manufactured or harvested food.
That is the damning verdict of a study by Berlin based consumer watchdog group Stiftung Warentest.
The results, from one of the most respected consumer groups in Europe - backed and funded by the German government but totally independent - is a massive embarrassment for the organic food industry."
"We’re too broke to be this stupid."