Imagine you're a Nazi.
No - imagine you're part of a Nazi
couple. Then you discover, actually,
you're both Jewish. That's gotta suck, huh?
Well, maybe not so much; I mean, you
were Nazis:
"I'm not saying that I don't have regrets but it's not something that I walk around and lash myself over... I feel sorry for those that I beat up but I don't hold a grudge against myself."
See how easy that was?
That guy will never use that arm again. But me? I'm

That attitude, that ruthlessness - and a fetish for clothes - are apparently all it takes,....

navigate the NewAge (of course).

Say it with me:
"I'm not saying that I don't have regrets but it's not something that I walk around and lash myself over... I feel sorry for those that I beat up but I don't hold a grudge against myself."
Ain't that
fucking cool? 
Today, almost anybody can
explain away almost anything, using that one line.

All they've got to do is
believe it. If they believe it, they can sell it.

And they'd better
believe it.
Because - honestly - that's probably the biggest bunch of
bullshit I've heard used in
a long, long time.