Because it's so much easier out here than I'm letting on,...
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Wave Away (Talk To The Hand)
Saturday, August 30, 2014
You've Got To Speak The Language To Pimp The Game
Looking at his photo, Willis L. Krumholz looks like a nice young man - and I'm sure he is - but, when it comes to the black experience, he's out of his league:
First, Mr. Krumholz ignores reparations as "the fruition of King’s dream," when it most definitely was an integral part of King’s plan. One can only assume Young Master Krumholz rolls that in with "top-down redistributive solutions" when, in truth, it's simple justice - as blacks, and King, saw it. Is Mr. Krumholz a supporter of King's dream or not? He tells us of a "fruition" blacks have never seen nor heard King mention before.
Also, he makes no mention of the insidious curse of colorblind racism. I'm sure he's comfortable with the idea that men in hoods are mostly comical now, as am I, but the schemes average whites use to pervert Civil Rights laws and black history (twisting King's message of "character" to only reflect on the supposed defects of black culture and not white's long history of murder, rape, terror, and theft, being the most surreal) these are ignored as common to humanity in general, when they are nothing of the kind. Society continues. Interlopers in the New World are the exception.
Unfortunately, lies are not. Notice Mr. Krumholz says Democrats have taught blacks to "assume blacks can’t make it without the government," while completely ignoring the possibility blacks have figured out, by utilizing government, we can attain our aims while outnumbered 6 to 1 by whites. Allowing that blacks have political agency, beyond white's current era of extreme partisanship, seems beyond Mr. Krumholz's imagination.
The term "grievance wing" speaks to an odd thing to assume:
That blacks would be happy while aggrieved for centuries.
Mr. Krumholz doesn't acknowledge what a psychological bind that expectation puts one in. Is mere "prosperity" King's dream?
noun 1. the state of being prosperous."a long period of prosperity" 2. synonyms: 3. success, profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, the good life,milk and honey, (good) fortune, ease, plenty, comfort, security, well-being"she deserves all the prosperity she now enjoys" 4.
Really, Mr. Krumholz? Did King not fight for a just society? A place where we can all be comfortable and proud? Or was it all filthy lucre?
I sincerely don't think King meant what Mr. Krumholz thinks he meant,...
Jon Stewart Knows More About Race Than Liberals Or Conservatives Probably Ever Will Try To Understand
TMR hears the FOX News view a lot these days - in San Francisco!
Can't fool me - this is a man with a LOT of black friends - caps emphasis mine:
This isn’t all just about one man killed in one town. It’s about how people of color, no matter their socioeconomic standing, face obstacles in this country with surprising GRACE.
Thank you, Jon Stewart:
It was like you were looking right through the screen at my life,...
U Should Judge A Country By How It Treats It's People
Friday, August 29, 2014
This Isn't Just A Problem With Police But White People
Discovering I'm Right Comes 2nd Only 2 Being Wrong
Thursday, August 28, 2014
And The Republicans Thought I Was Playing All Along
Turning The Blame From Their Racial Behavior 2 Yours
Sure, point at the cops, point at anyone, it doesn't really matter - just don't check yourself
The pull-yourself-up and stop-playing-the-victim crowd tell themselves blacks vote as they do because they've been brainwashed, by the Democrats, to ignore the obvious reason:
You know, like the colorblind racists:
Talkin' about the Dem "plantation,..."
A Teacher Explains Y Colorblind is "Colorblind Racism"
Whites Got 1 Black Friend & Blacks Got 8 White Friends
Considering whites outnumber us 6 to 1, this could also show how generous we are - and how stingy whites still are (long after the Civil War) while claiming otherwise:
Few whites talk about black friends. They talk about one special black person, or experience, and pretend it constitutes familiarity with the whole. That leaves room to ponder what must be an amazing lack of intimacy - and knowledge - in white lives, compared to blacks.
White supremacy's even stunting white's personal growth?
How can it not, huh? How could it not,...
Telling The Truth Doesn't Mean People Will Ever Listen
The death of white supremacy will not be fun - for white supremacists
Warning members of the Republican Party it's getting yanked around by it's interlopers has been a frustrating and fruitless endeavour, and their latest scheme to use libertarians as a wedge for young voters (best exemplified by Rand Paul's trips to Berkeley and Howard Universities after (racistly) trying to manipulate the hispanic vote, shut government, defeat ObamaCare, !BENGHAZI!, etc.) is equally worthy of words of caution. So - for the billionth time - here they are again:
Colorblind is a confession you can't see
Culture Beats Politics.
It's time to get your head out of the sand
If you haven't seen Alan I. Abramowitz's essay, "False Hope: Why Libertarians Won’t Help Republicans Win the Youth Vote," then be prepared to understand why false hope is worse than none at all:
"Check out TMR: The brother knows,...something."
Read the whole thing if you must, but if you're here already, then you know what it says:
White and black together, but as criminals
Culture Beats Politics.
The Right is over two decades too late
Hip-Hop is America's culture now (It's music is Rap) and it's a culture that thoroughly resists the history, and imperatives, of the culture that birthed it. This will not change. We can not hear you. We will not hear you. Until the Republican Party gets back to it's roots, as "the sheet anchor of the colored man's political hopes and the ark of his safety" - not a source of our irritation - they'll get nowhere.
"White Christmas" already has a re-mix
Culture beats politics.
Bamboozled is a 2000 satirical film written and directed by Spike Lee about a modern televised minstrel show featuring black actors donning blackface makeup and the violent fall-out from the show's success.
And it's because your "leaders" don't know this - no matter what color they are - they will never realize as anything of the kind,....
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
TMR Is Finally Late To A Truth (About White America)
Why I'm Saying "Later, Guys" To White People Online
If slavery's such a non-issue, why'd Dave Chappelle do so much on it's evil?
I can't escape white supremacists day-to-day, but I don't have to talk to them everywhere, so I'm choosing not to:
White supremacy is dying, but as it does, it's embers are becoming too hot to touch - especially for whites:
They've been bad neighbors, bad citizens, bad Americans, and bad friends.
Now, especially, niggas better know who's-who,...
Now, especially, niggas better know who's-who,...
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