Friday, February 7, 2014

Meade Sent A "Learning Moment" For McIntosh Lovers

 I would've called this "Why do blacks hate us?" but "What makes me white?" is nice, too,…

1 comment:

  1. There are times when you better have those doors locked. One time when I was young and thought all blacks were good people two young African Americans invited themselves into my unlocked car, made some friendly conversation and got me to stop at the next store. I had a tow rope in the back seat that was soon around my neck choking me while the one in the front seat cocked his fist and demanded my money. Of course they got it.

    I've heard variations of that story many times plus I've got a couple more of my own of white people getting jacked by black thieves or, in the case of girls, getting raped. So if someone is uncomfortable where he finds himself then he should lock his doors and not worry for a minute that an honest black person might be watching, taking offense and laughing derisively.

    I should probably be taking my own advice. My black g/f derides me for being a naive bumpkin who still rarely locks the car doors when we're going somewhere, so she locks them with the switch on her door and growls at me some more. God help me if we get robbed sometime because the doors weren't locked.
