Friday, June 29, 2018

NewAgers Never Knew America - Or Anything Else (And Don't Want To Now)

So Slate magazine - are these things still "magazines" if they only exist online? - says The America We Thought We Knew Is Gone, using "we" in much the same way Kurt Andersen does in "Fantasyland": as though we're all guilty of a little yoga, meditation, and whatnot, so must all accept the blame for the lunacy. Nope, sorry, Bud, this is just on y'all. (Especially those supposedly in control. Bill and Hillary and Jen and Brad, etc., all consulting crazy Ken Wilber (above) - Oprah Winfrey will believe anybody about any damned thing - I can't think of any Americans who've been less in control than these celebrities who've been dominating our lives throughout the latter half of the 20th Century.) You Thunderbirds were go, go, GO!

Trump haters understand "flyover country" in the same way they do the president, using the same amount of information, and in equal amounts, because (as we've seen with more-than-a-few journalists trudging in to see "normal Americans" since Trump won) they've deliberately had no real experience with any of this. Notice it's the America "We Thought We Knew" - not the real one - they're lamenting seeing go. The fantasy they've held that never existed. The real America's still here - filled with "deplorables" - and they still hate it. Get it? The fact the "good guys" *might not* be America's haters occurs to them much less than it does Mitchell & Webb's Nazi SS Men wondering if, maybe, they're "the baddies".

Slate's writer is someone named Lili Loopbourow, and she's upset "a reality-television star who lost the popular vote by millions" gets to do stuff. That's odd because, if seeing Donald Trump make it to the White House - right after one-term Senator Barack Obama - doesn't mean the maxim "anybody can president in America" is true, then I don't know what does. And hating the game, after Hillary lost it, is just sour grapes.

"Don't hate the player, Baby,..."

There's no need to go on. (I told you I don't reason with the unreasonable.) I'm just glad to acknowledge the Left's fantasy world is falling apart. I hope they don't take being "really woke" too hard - it's for the best:

All that sleeping everybody was doing is what got us into this mess.


  1. Hey bro! This dj cheese in sf! Aaron says he might be in town this week; look for "ajlipke" on instagram. Hope u well; great seeing you still doing your thing. Im currently "sexy af" on twitter lol!

  2. Dude, stay in touch. Hit me up @
