Sunday, July 21, 2024

An Assassination Attempt On Trump Only Hit An Ear (But Damaged Edzard Ernst)

How 'Project 2025' could change Medicare would be an interesting topic for discussion, if Project 2025 was Trump's program, and not 'Agenda 47.' As it stands, how Project 2025 is being used to warp minds - by the Democrats - is an even more powerful and fascinating subject to talk about. 

I tried having an online conversation with Professor Edzard Ernst MD, PhD, MAE, FMedSci, FRSB, FRCP, FRCPEd (above, a german living in France) about what he mis-labeled 'Project 2025: Donald Trump’s blueprint for a fascist America,' but, as you can see in the comments, I didn't go well - with, either, him or the other commenters: The power of Democrat party propaganda was just too strong.  

Even knowing Project 2025 is the product of the Heritage Foundation, and Trump already rejected it as 'ridiculous' - and that "the Democratic National Committee is rolling out a media blitz connecting him to it" - they refused to believe, or were unable to grasp, that the Democrats were toying with them, Trump had his own program, and fascism was most definitely not coming to America. 


I thought about Professor Ernst again, today, and the level of hysteria Democrat party propaganda whips up, world-wide, as I listened to Glenn Greenwald (a gay Jewish man, living in Brazil, but one of America's best investigative reporters) casually describing the perils of a new Trump administration, with no alarm in his voice or manner whatsoever - and not one word about Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation, or fascism - while a full-on professor, with all those credentials behind his name, loses his fucking mind in FrogLand. That's scary.

To be fair, since our ugly interaction, Ernst has also written a post on JD Vance, who, I'm pretty sure, he misinterprets, just as badly as he does Trump and Project 2025 - because (in what, I think, should be completely out of character for a scientist) he relies on kooky-ass MSNBC to 'inform' him. 

I didn't bother to read the new post. Based on our interaction, I think, since the attempted murder of Trump, Ernest may be showing the same signs of mental slippage as Joe Biden now. At 76, the "outspoken professor of complementary medicine" has grown cranky and unable to be reasoned with, nor does he even bother to reason: He just calls people names, and throws out casual insults as a defense. Think Donald Trump, but without even half the wit or charm.


 BTW - If anyone wants to talk seriously about the very-real dark threats coming America's way, "in this extended, wide-ranging interview, Jimmy Dore and Unlimited Hangout contributing editor and One Nation Under Blackmail author Whitney Webb discuss whether Trump’s VP pick JD Vance is a puppet of billionaire Peter Thiel, the real reason Elon Musk purchased Twitter, how the dystopian future of policing in the film Minority Report is becoming a reality,..." Check it out. They're not ready for hospice yet.

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