Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kamala Slept With Montel - He Promoted Psychics - So How Gullible Is Kamala?

It's not that odd of a pairing, once you think about it, since the euphemism 'talk show host' doesn't really fit what Montel Williams did, anymore than the title 'Prosecutor' fits the pot-smoking Harris. 'The Montel Williams Show' ran from 1991 until 2008. So, he was well into also promoting 'psychics,' apocalyptic doomsday predictions, and books published by NewAge cults, by the time he started dating Kamala (by then, the chief of San Francisco's Career Criminal Division) in 2001.
Wikipedia: "Most Wednesdays (and sometimes on Fridays as well during the summer), self-proclaimed psychic Sylvia Browne was Montel's guest, and performed psychic readings of guests as well as discussing her ideas about spirituality and the afterlife. Her predictions have been the target for much criticism, and her psychic abilities explained as cold reading by critics such as Robert S. Lancaster. She [chickened out of] the One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge from James Randi, a prominent skeptic, August 2007, this American talk show was awarded The Truly Terrible Television Award for peddling pseudoscience and superstition to its audience,..."
'The Montel Williams Show' eventually got canceled after the former Marine started complaining the media doesn't promote the military enough. "Jezebel" had a "laugh—at the idea of an inmate begging for a sip of water" - but she's still attending SoulCycle and running for higher office



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