Friday, September 6, 2024

"Deeply Sick" (Name-Calling Vs Explaining)

Former President Donald Trump said that it was "deeply sick" not to side with zionists during the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) - and Instapundit repeated it so it must be true - though neither of them said why.
The closest Trump came to an explanation was saying “Only an evil and inhuman, really inhuman ideology, kidnaps, tortures and murders innocent men, women and children,” which - as far as an objective listener can tell - are all things zionists have done, and are doing, to the Palestinians, so it makes no sense.
They're just adding insult to injury. 


 Yesterday, I just happened to be listening to a debate with the loathsome zionist historian, Benny Morris, who - while claiming every horrible thing he's ever said was "taken out of context" - made statements that contained some confusing embedded assumptions.
For instance, he kept saying the Arabs, right from the beginning, refused to "share" the land. OK. He never said why they should, or explained what obligated them to do so. He just said they wouldn't. So the zionists took it. 
What part of "'no' means 'no'" didn't the zionists understand? Are they, Trump, and Instapundit "deeply sick" not to get it, as the IDF "kidnaps, tortures and murders innocent men, women and children" to satisfy their misunderstanding? It appears so, though few will say. Well, one did:

When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations build [sic] up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people. 

 Sincerely yours, 

 Albert Einstein (1947)

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