Monday, May 18, 2009

American Men - Reduced - To (And By) Pussies

"'Home Game'" Mr. Lewis's account of becoming a father to his three children, begins promisingly. 'At some point in the last few decades, the American male sat down at the negotiating table with the American female and -- let us be frank -- got fleeced,' he writes.

The poor sucker agreed to take on responsibility for all sorts of menial tasks -- tasks that his own father was barely aware of -- and received nothing in return. If he was hoping for some gratitude, he was mistaken. According to Mr. Lewis: 'Women may smile at a man pushing a baby stroller, but it is with the gentle condescension of a high officer of an army toward a village that surrendered without a fight.'

American men now find themselves in the same position as Gorbachev after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Having done the decent thing, and ceded power without bloodshed, they are now looked on with good-humored disdain. (Full disclosure: I am a father of four living in London and can confirm that the situation for British men is no better.)

This is good stuff -- the American male is a pitiful creature -- and it is followed by plenty of examples from Mr. Lewis's own life. No sooner has his first daughter arrived than he is transformed into a surrendered husband, forced to take her to a succession of 'Mommy and me' classes. At one point, while living in Paris, he ends up in a swimming pool with 'a dozen scantily clad Frenchmen,' all accompanied by their newborn babies. It isn't long before he has been thoroughly brainwashed by the politically correct mumbo-jumbo that passes for wisdom in 'parenting courses.' 'I understood that my job was no longer to force the party line upon Quinn,' he writes. 'My job was to validate her feelings.' His wife, who used to look up to him as a glamorous writer, begins to view him as an 'unreliable employee.'"
-- Michael Lewis, reviewing a book that details a bit about why this blog is what it is (we've never given in to this "politically correct mumbo-jumbo" - and never will) which is why feminists - and their wimpy "partners" - hate us, though we must be loved by The Wall Street Journal.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, there is a great deal of effective data in this post!
