Unlike probably everyone else watching Charlie Sheen these days, we think this "train wreck" (as some are calling it) is probably the best we've seen him, and (having mutual friends) we applaud him mightily for it. He looks and sounds more like his father than ever. His nothing-can-take-me-down attitude, in the face of this wimpy, middle class, wet rag nanny state finger-wagging opinion is winning. This is a man, owning his actions and insisting everyone else come clean and take responsibility for theirs as well. (Our favorite line? Interviewer: "One of the women said she was afraid she might O.D.". Sheen [incredulous]: "What's that got to do with me?") Seriously, considering the most this loser culture can come up with now is awful Lady GaGa (and Britney Spears) records, vs. watching Beibermania or Kim Kardashian's ass from afar, do you really think everyone is, or wants to be, stuck in this same lame no fun existence the rest of you seem, if not enthused by, at least comfortable with? Really? Are you kidding us? This completely stagnant creative period has shown us nothing but the cultural and artistic equivalent of adults playing with bubble gum - and you think every living breathing person wants to be limited to that? Again, are you kidding?
Everyone can say what they want, but we've said, all too often, we see too many powerful beta males in this country, and where we've been going, both financially and culturally, is reflective of that. We've become a cautious, conformist, inoffensive, non-risk taking, arrogant, lying bunch of NewAge pussies who think if any woman, like this interviewer, says she or others don't approve, then some form of public contrition and apology is called for. Well, screw that. Neither she, or the public, are Charlie Sheen's mother and even if his parents disapprove, he's a grown-assed man who refuses to be a part of whatever milquetoast existence the rest of you think is good for gaining social approval from a worthless feminized culture-killing clique. He didn't ask for it, doesn't need it, and isn't angling for it. He's a man. He's rich. And he's free.
The question is, what the hell have the rest of you become?
*Welcome readers of Althouse, Instapundit (by way of Althouse) and Big Hollywood! This is TMR - check out the whole thing!

Sheen is living like many entertainers, why is he being singled out? FOR TELLING THE TRUTH.
ReplyDeleteNice value system you got there, old media.
Nicely done Crack. I think I'm starting to get it re Sheen.
ReplyDeleteCrack, I agree.
ReplyDeleteFirst they slam him for taking drugs, then they call him bi-polar and say he needs drugs.
We get blasted with advertisements of people that have a sad face and a little cloud hanging over their had, with the voice telling us that "nobody knows what causes depression, but this pill may help."
This modern distinction of "prescribed means good", "self-prescribed means bad" is silly.
Nice article, thanks for the information.
ReplyDeleteHis ego and self image is a burden, I wouldn't want. Always being amazing and always winning sounds like a self imposed slavery where you play minstrel for some insatiable master.
ReplyDeleteI doubt his quitting drugs will stick. Drugs are just too good and easy for someone like him to walk away from. Quitting was not his choice and that will eventually eat at him too.
It would be great to see him succeed with quitting just as he says he did, though will, due to boredom, which I think is how it's always done.
For him to remain amazing to people without drugs is gonna be tough. Sheen without drugs is just Gene Simmons, and that's not very scandalous. Without the drugs this story would not be, and nobody would be listening.
The problem for Charley's ego is that staying striaght or flaming out are both normal and boring, and there really is no other option. He is human, regardless of what he says, and every amazing person in history simply stopped being at some point. Imagine the horror if that was not how it worked.
I would still like to be Charley Sheen, with his options and vigor, but this realization he's hitting is gonna suck if he doesn't get over the bullshit he's feeding himself. Regardless, it's his life and I just get to watch, and that's both good and bad for me. Thanks for the show Charley. Good luck!
His TV show, which has made him rich, is not all that different than Justin Beiber and his extra-cirricular acts are little different than Britney Spears. So he is in the very middle of that loser culture that's being foisted upon us, not separate from it, indeed because it's such a popular show, he is the face of that loser culture.
ReplyDeleteOoops, my bad. I should have written that in past tense because that show is shelved now. Sheen's irresponsible acts have cost a lot of regular working people their jobs.
But HE's rich, why does he care?
ReplyDeleteI've seen an interview with Sheen where he's saying that's one of the reasons he's fighting, for all the people out of work - because of the actions of CBS - so he's maybe not so bad after all.
What right does CBS have to tell him how to live?
ReplyDeleteHis lifestyle didn't shut down the show -- his drug and hooker binges are long-documented -- it was when he went after the show runner.
But even someone with union protections has limited protection after embarrassing one's employer. And Sheen's posture as if he's looking out for the little guys is all revisionist; if he cared about the lighting guys and caterers and such, he'd never have started to attack his boss.
What's surprising about this story isn't that Sheen killed his career, it's that Hollywood shot a golden goose-- if no one watched that POS show, who'd care? But it was CBS' top comedy and the production company has put a stake through its heart (at least for the time being) while it was still making them money.
There aren't all that many examples of such a thing
For the last few days I've been saying, "This guy (Sheen) is awesome" without being able to fully articulate why.
ReplyDeleteBut now I don't have to, because in this post you pretty well articulated what I couldn't. "This is a man, owning his actions and insisting everyone else come clean and take responsibility for theirs as well." Fucking brilliant
What's surprising about this story isn't that Sheen killed his career, it's that Hollywood shot a golden goose-- if no one watched that POS show, who'd care? But it was CBS' top comedy and the production company has put a stake through its heart (at least for the time being) while it was still making them money.
ReplyDeleteThere aren't all that many examples of such a thing
I know, and agree, but that morally superior schtick is powerful juju - makes men crazy.
First time here, followed link from Breitbart. Love the Sheen analysis, but better yet the cultural one! You are dead on! Where have all the real dudes gone?
ReplyDeleteThe feminization of the American male is something that I have been lamenting for years now. How did we get here?
I'm old school, don't want a feminized man, want a masuline one, but they seem to be very hard to locate. This will certainly (or already is) bite us in the ass.
ReplyDeleteThe feminization of the American male is something that I have been lamenting for years now. How did we get here?
Click the tag to this post labeled "feminism". This blog isn't for the feint of heart, so stand by your handle and don't wimp out on me.
Take one look at any Jezebel or Gawker thread on the Sheen story and you'll get more than enough confirmation of the TMR post.
ReplyDeletebe that as it may, I still say Keith Richards could snort him under the table
ReplyDeleteI've been called a lot of things, but feint of heart ain't one of them, that being said I'm still a lady at the end of the day.
I followed the tag for feminism, but nothing new there. Sadly, there's no such thing as shock value anymore, just desperate folks, doing desperate things for the attention of total strangers. What a joke on humanity.
Holy crap, I'm writing a book here! Anyhow, I came of age in the late 60's early 70's (a very dangerous time to be female in America) so I've watched the degeneration for some time.
All I can say is they came for us girls first, now they've come for the boys.
See if I've got this straight. Guy pulls down $1.2 mil per episode for a mediocre, milquetoast sitcom. Alls he has to do is show up, read his lines, and go home, and he somehow manages to not only fuck that up but turns it into his own personal battle of Thermopylae. This is your Platonic ideal of iconoclastic manhood? Guy has the best deal on the planet earth and he shits all over it and suddenly he's Dionysus in your eyes? Grow up.
ReplyDeleteI call "Sinatra" on this one. Old Blue Eyes would never have gone to the press to whine about the guys who were writing his check. Sorry, that's about as "manly" as spilling your guts to the strangers on a bus. Men do their jobs. Men may even argue with their bosses. But men sitting on couches taping a morning show...well, real men don't do morning shows, do they? So when Charlie Frickin Sheen finally does have his Hollywood ending, my guess is that he won't go out like a man.
ReplyDeleteI keep seeing references to Sheen "owning his actions". I don't get it. At this point, he doesn't even seem to be renting his actions.
ReplyDeleteI have an answer:
ReplyDeleteMy Charlie Sheen Story
In which I use the Sheen story to charm the first mate. With outstanding results.
Got here from your link in the comment at McCain's.