Saturday, October 26, 2013

I Am Learning To Look At Everybody's Good Points Yo!

If you, too, find yourself trapped in a metaphysical free-for-all, not of your own choosing, you might want to try 5 Christian-Owned Companies With Godly Values to engage the NewAge scourge. True, you'll still find yourself around some equally disturbing, nonsensical, and perverted characters but, at least, you'll usually get a decent product in return and only an insignificant percentage of their white kids ever decide to grow dreadlocks.

And that, my friends, is saying something,...

1 comment:

  1. Can it be possible for me to just go to a store and purchase something at a decent price that doesn't try to impart some sort of lifestyle on me?
    Sometimes, ok most of the time, I just need or want to purchase some nails and a hammer, or a box of mac n cheese.

    But true enough, white kids shouldn't do dreadlocks -- it usually winds up looking just awful on them.

