Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Kind Of Thing I Lose My Head Over

I released "A Message To Kanye" a few days ago, and, to my surprise, it's being received better by Democrats and liberals, who recognize the party in it, than Republicans and conservatives, who just seem to collectively yawn, before preemptively accusing me of being a black racist, and THEN listening to it. Insane.

Maybe the next track will do it - stay tuned,...


  1. Crack,
    The FDA process is slow and cumbersome. I understand there are many tricksters and parasites, but there are also scientists who are bypassing the FDA to release "supplements" that might have a therapeutic value. One is NAD+ (which is hard to get into the body through the digestive tract), which operates on ATPs. Leonard Guarente is a real scientist. I've had the opportunity to talk with two scientists on these and other topics (one is my father, who has had very high positions in the FDA, though he is a bio-chemical toxicologist, and professor by trade). My father took Vitamin "C" in high doses for years, because Linus Pauling, whom he has met, told him about its anti-oxidant value. These folks, who are internationally well known scientists, are now working to evaluate a drug (supplment) that operates on a secondary opioid receptor in the brain (it has had problems because if cascading chemical reactions throughout the brain, I can send you a study if you are interested), but doesn't have the addictive qualities of opioids.

    What I'm trying to say is the FDA is under regulatory capture. It's expensive and difficult to run the trials. Yet, any regulation on supplelments would shut down the work these real folks are doing, to escape the orbit of the big pharmaceuticals.

    Now, is there a wonder "supplement"? Who knows. The oil based vitamins, as my father warned me, turned out to be cancer causing especially in smokers. But, I have cancer, Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, and the researchers think it may be caused by lack of Vitamin "D". I shun the sun, am lily white, and ate Asian food for 15 years (no milk, and became lactose intolerant). Maybe Vitamin "D" would have stopped me from developing that cancer.

    I suppose what I am suggesting is, despite the snake oil salesmen, etc., perhaps it is better to run the experiments on real humans to advance progress.

    Also, I do really enjoy your comments, your informed anger, but I do have my own biases with black men, on account of my past. It doesn't stop me from thinking of you as an incredibly interesting person, and a warrior trying to make the world more right.

  2. Also, love the way the woman says "It's a cult." It seems so perfect, the way she says it.
